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Bill Payer Now Got Even Better

July 05, 2012

Our Bill Payer now ofers 2 more options in addition to the regular and expedited payments. Tose are:

  1. Account to Account Transfers (A2A)—allows you to transfer funds to accountsin other U.S. fnancial institutions, when you have the recipient’s account number,transit routing number, and address information. Te funds are delivered the nextbusiness day and they are FREE.

    Tis is a great way to quickly and afordably transfer money to kid’s account incollege or to a family member in need.To make A2A transfer, simply click onSEND MONEY link in menu bar and enter the recipient’s information; once youenter it, it’s saved for any future use and you don’t need to enter it again.
  2. Person to Person payments (P2P – powered through PayPal)—allows you sendmoney immediately using the PayPal engine. You simply need to enter the recipient’sphone number or email address associated with their PayPal account, as well aspayment amount; you can even send them a quick message. We charge a $5.00 feefor each transfer. PayPal transfers are available within the SEND MONEYlink inthe menu bar.

    We hope these additional services will make your banking experience with useven better.


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