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A Credit Card Ofer Tat Says it All

June 30, 2012

Unless you have already signed up to stop credit card solicitations by mail, you are among the millions of Americans receiving two to fve credit card ofers DAILY! If you take the time to actually open the envelope, you may read the ofer and fnd it quite appealing – a low interest rate, no annual fee for the frst year, special bonus points for mileage or merchandise or a give away item! With all these options, how do you choose a credit card?

It’s simple! Don’t be attracted to short-term ofers that will eventually cost you more money. If you read the fne print for most of those other cards, you’ll fnd that rates and/or terms will change in a specifed time period or hidden charges may apply. Ofen an annual fee is added or rates are increased to near 20%! If you sign up for the card and forget that your rate will increase or that you will be charged an annual fee, you’ll wind up paying for any bonus that was ofered! Our advice for you is to forget the specials and go with the one credit card ofer that says it all at your Credit Union.

A credit card from the Credit Union ofers:

  • One low rate for purchases and transfers
  • No annual fee (on VISA Gold and Platinum)
  • 25-day grace period to pay for purchases in full
  • Up to 1% cash back on all purchases

Best of all, you’ll know that what you see is what you get! Tere are no hassles, hidden charges or penalty rates!

Apply today!

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