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Buy American Made Campaign

May 31, 2009

Recent media reports state that 80% of this year's college graduates are unable to find employment at any level.

This forces us to once again reflect on the companies who left America in search of cheaper labor and fewer benefits for workers. I feel there should have been more done by business and labor leaders to keep a major portion of those jobs in the U.S.A. Now we have to work extra hard to bring back a minimum of 50% of the manufacturing jobs that left the U.S.A. so we can have more employment available for people of all ages. It can be done if we all work together.

When there were more U.S. jobs available, unemployment was less noticeable. However, now that we see the results of the departure of so many jobs to foreign countries, we need to pay more attention to where the items we purchase are produced. It is important to remember that with the loss of production jobs, many other employment opportunities are also lost, jobs like: research and development, sales and service, shipping, advertising, office and management, just to name a few.

Today and every day I urge you to take action at the cash register where your purchasing power has a major impact. Let cashiers and store owners know that if they don't offer more products with American made labels, you will shop elsewhere. Stores need your business now more than ever so action at the cash register will have a major impact on business owners!

Now that we see what's happening to recent graduates, it's time to mobilize parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends and neighbors to become involved in the Buy American Made Campaign. I know it's difficult to find American made products at many major retail stores, and it's sad to even acknowledge this fact. However, it is a fact, and if we don't speak up and let business owners know that we're dissatisfied with the imbalance of foreign made versus American made products, everything will stay the same or even get worse. Whenever you enter a store, consider that by going out of your way to purchase American made items, you are helping support current employment opportunities and may also be helping expand our job base for even more American workers.

This is Michael Blichasz, and as always, I appreciate hearing from you. I welcome your comments and suggestions and ask that you spread the word to others. You can email me from my Internet site at: MichaelSupportsAmerica.com

Michael Blichasz
Host of the Saturday Variety Program at 11 A.M.
1540 AM Radio WNWR • Philadelphia, PA