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Purchase American Made Products

February 17, 2009

In 1998, when I first spoke up and encouraged people to support American workers and American Made Products, people told me, Michael you have to understand we're now in a global economy, America is in competition with the world! They told me that there will always be more than enough jobs for Americans. Well, being in competition with the world is a reality, but that doesn't mean we should have our businesses move abroad or outsource American jobs to the point it hurts American workers.

In recent responses to my commentaries, people expressed concern that there was very little outcry as businesses left America to manufacture their products elsewhere for less money, and then watch those businesses ship those products back to America to be sold at a decent profit. There were also those who thought that the American service-oriented job market would last forever. It's a lot to think about, but I'm glad people are speaking up about these very important issues.

What made America great for years was that the production of our day-to-day needs were being produced by locally based or national American businesses. This provided numerous levels of employment opportunities and thriving communities. Today, the balance has shifted. Now a growing number of the items we purchase for day-to-day use are imported from abroad, and more and more local, regional and national employers are closing their doors because they can't compete with imported products. I urge you to take a few minutes to look closely and see where the items you purchased recently were manufactured. You will find that information clearly listed on tags and packaging material.

The dismantling of American industries did not happen in just a few years, it has been taking place for a long time. Now it's very clear that when manufacturing jobs are gone so are the management, sales and others jobs that make a business thrive. I'm encouraging you to react now so we can retain the businesses and employers we have, so we can sell what we make at a competitive price and expand business and employment opportunities here in the U.S.A.

There is no doubt the world's economy has changed and we have to change with it, but you the consumer can make a major difference every time you enter a store when you make it known that you're shopping for American Made Products. In some cases, you will be surprised by the reaction of the business owner or sales people as they say, “why does it matter where the items are made as long as they are available when you want them.” Others will tell you they have fewer and fewer products made in America available to them and in order to stay in business they have to sell what they can get from their suppliers. How long can this continue? The next time you go shopping, lets say for clothing, ask the sales person to show you the selection they have available of both American made and imported items. I guarantee you it will be an eye opener.

If you speak up businesses will get the idea that Americans are concerned about the well-being of their fellow American workers who want quality products produced by American workers in competition with imported items in their stores.

We also have to consider that it is the American people that pay local, state and federal taxes which maintain all levels of government and community services. Businesses located abroad don't pay those taxes, they are not concerned about the communities where we live, the schools our children attend or the future well-being of America's economy. We have many quality jobs presently available to Americans, the goal is to keep them and expand the availability of quality and long-lasting employment. As I stated in my last commentary, it is not government's role to start businesses, that's up to the private sector, but government can help businesses prosper by providing tax incentives which will help make production cost more reasonable and bring about additional employment opportunities.

This week as you go shopping, look for, ask for and purchase American made products. If we don't, employment opportunities will continue to dwindle and your well-being and the well-being of your family, friends and neighbors will continue to be affected.

This is Michael Blichasz, and as always, I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome your comments and suggestions. Email me at: Michael@MichaelSupportsAmerica.com.

Michael Blichasz
Host of the Saturday Variety Program at 11 A.M.
1540 AM Radio WNWR • Philadelphia, PA