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Contest for Children and Youth in Los Angeles

June 11, 2014

A contest for children and youth to celebrate canonization of the Holy Father John Paul II is organized by Friends of John Paul II Foundation of Southern California.

Contest themes:

Ages 15-18 years - Essay: "John Paul II - why Holy?" The essay should be not shorter than 2 and no longer than 3 pages (max. 3000 words). The essay may be written in Polish or English.

  • 1st place prize $ 150.00
  • 2nd place prize $ 100.00
  • 3rd place prize $ 50.00

Ages 10-14 years - Arts and Crafts: “Pilgrimages of St. John Paul II”. Using any type of creative media (graphics, painting, drawing, sculpture), show one of the places of pilgrimage of Our Pope. Attach a short description (5 sentences) to your piece containing the following information: place and date of the pilgrimage, why you chose that place, and what importance it has to you?"

  • 1st place prize $ 150.00
  • 2nd place prize $ 100.00
  • 3rd place prize $ 50.00

Please mail your submission with the heading "Contest" by July 31st, 2014 to the following address:

Friends of John Paul II Foundation
3424 W. Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018

Organizers ask that all contestants include their mailing address, phone number, and age. Competition results will be announced in September 2014. Contest prizes donated by: Polish Federal Credit Union POLAM, Polish Center of Los Angeles, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in LA, and Friends of John Paul II Foundation.

For further information contact: Bogusława Doerr 805-796-0960, email bogusia.doerr@gmail.com