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Polish-American Congress President Frank J. Spula Visited Poland

Polish American Congress - Illinois
May 13, 2022

Polish-American Congress President Frank J. Spula Visited Poland
125,000 dollars was donated to the Polish Red Cross. Polish American Congress President Frank J. Spula met in Warsaw with the Katarzyna Mikolajczyk, General Director of Red Cross in Poland, where he presented a check for the Polish Red Cross.
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Frank J. Spula visited Poland at the invitation of the Republic of Poland President Andrzej Duda.

Polish American Congress organized “Polonia for Ukraine” campaign and raised close to quarter of million dollars!

National officers of PAC, under the leadership of President Frank J. Spula, immediately reacted to the start of war in Ukraine and organized fundraising. Part of this effort was a whole weekend radiothon organized by WPNA 103.1 FM radio station in Chicago. 115,000 dollars were donated to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, during the presentation of funds in Chicago.

125,000 dollars was donated to the Polish Red Cross. Polish American Congress President Frank J. Spula met in Warsaw with the Katarzyna Mikolajczyk, General Director of Red Cross in Poland, where he  presented a check for the Polish Red Cross.

During his visit, President Spula met with high level Polish and American dignitaries and officials.

These dignitaries included Mark Brzezinski, United States Ambassador in Poland (please find a photo attached below) and Adam Kwiatkowski, Republic of Poland Secretary of State (photo below).

In Chicago on Monday, May 9th, President Spula met with Małgorzata Gosiewska, a Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.