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Fantastic Networking Event hosted by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, Pain Management Specialist, Paula Lapas, Hudson Regional Medical Center and David Berger, Well Air

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management
March 02, 2022

Fantastic Networking Event hosted by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, Pain Management Specialist, Paula Lapas, Hudson Regional Medical Center and David Berger, Well Air

On Thursday, February 24th, 2022 - Dr. Nasiek from Allied Neurology Interventional Pain Practice, PC hosted a fantastic networking event where many attorneys, physicians, chiropractors, and medical professionals gathered. The seminar was held at the Royal Warsaw Restaurant located in Elmwood Park, NJ. Attendees were invited by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, pain management specialist and they were joined by co-sponsor Paula Lapas from Hudson Regional Medical Center and guest speaker David Berger from Well Air, a company sharing fresh air technology.

The timing could not have been more perfect for David Berger from Well Air to present his air purification system. Though most people spend 90% of their time indoors, few know that indoor air is five times more contaminated than outdoor air! Well Air uses its unique Nano strike technology to clean our air and provide a first line of protection against viruses and bacteria. This innovative technology rapidly inactivates the DNA in pathogens, is FDA approved, and can reduce up to 99.99 percent of the SARS COV-2 virus within 30 minutes of use. Well Air has multiple different designs with a low sound profile perfect for home, office, and medical spaces. Well air makes the indoor world cleaner and safer.

After Berger’s presentation, Dr. Nasiek spoke about traumatic brain injury (TBI), a brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head. It often occurs as a result of a sports injury or motor vehicle accident and happens to over 200,000 people in the United States per year. Immediate or delayed symptoms may include blurred vision, confusion, or difficulty concentrating, while treatment may involve rest, medication, or surgery. TBI may cause bruising of the brain, bleeding inside the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage), bleeding between the coverings of the brain (subdural/subarachnoid hemorrhage), or bleeding between the skull and the coverings of the brain (epidural hematoma). TBI can also cause moderate to severe swelling of the brain (intracerebral edema).

Dr. Nasiek continued on to note that in the United States alone, approximately 1.4 million people annually sustain a TBI yet mild TBI remains often undiagnosed. Although a vast majority of TBI patients will recover, 10-20 percent will suffer from post-concussion syndrome, a condition in which their symptoms last long after the initial injury. TBI may also pose an increased risk for dementia decades after the injury occurs. TBI is also associated with a higher prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. EEG testing can show changes in brain activity that is useful in diagnosing brain conditions.

Dr. Nasiek also spoke on the superior technology of TELE EEG over EEG alone, which allows for the monitoring of brain activity for up to three days continuously in the everyday settings, including sleep. This the new and most advanced technology is available at the Allied Neurology practice and makes a huge difference in accuracy of diagnosis. At Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice we will take a great pride in making sure that patients with brain injury receive proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Finally, Nasiek noted that all central system injuries including traumatic brain injury are entitled to full $250k medical benefits for treatments and diagnosis.

Apart from the educational presentation, the medical and legal community alike enjoyed delicious food, plenty of networking, and the space to discuss medical legal issues with peers.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday March 24th at 7PM at the same location, The Royal Warsaw. A big thank you to Hudson Regional Medical Center and Well Air for sponsoring this very successful event. We would also like to thank all our friends, contributors, and professional family for making these events such a huge success.

Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

185 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ

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