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Gerald H. Baker, Esq. at Dr. Nasiek's Seminar. The Ten Commandments for Doctors & Lawyers
January 30, 2022
Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management

On Wednesday January 19th, 2022, Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice held yet another successful seminar with over fifty professionals in attendance. Invited by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, Pain Management Specialist, a group of doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, and medical professionals gathered to listen to established attorney, Gerald H. Baker, Esq present: How to Write Effective Medical Reports: The Ten Commandments for Doctors and Lawyers.
Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, MD
At the beginning of the evening, Dr. Nasiek presented the steps a doctor takes when receiving a new patient.
First, there is always a consultation, when the patient and physician have a meeting to formally discuss the problem and get advice. While the patient’s problems and complaints are subjective, the full physical assessment is done by the physician which follows is objective. At this point, a treatment plan is established outlining the proposed goals, plan, and methods of treatment.
Treatment may include, but certainly isn’t limited to: medication, therapy, tests, or interventions.
Once treatment is complete, the physician writes a final report. If any operations took place, videos of the procedure may be provided to be forwarded to your attorney or insurance company along with all other proper documentation regarding “medical necessary” and “evidence based” to help prove that your procedure was necessary.
Finally, Dr. Nasiek spoke of both pain management evaluation – a comprehensive examination of all physical aspects of the trauma patient’s painful clinical condition – of neurological evaluation – a comprehensive examination of all of the mental and physical aspects of the trauma patient’s functions.
Gerald Baker, Esq.
Later in the evening, Gerald Baker, Esq, one of the most able and high-profile personal injury attorneys in the nation, began his presentation. Born and raised in New Jersey, Baker was animated and presented himself as possessing a great sense of purpose, with deep roots in fighting for the legal rights of workers and victims of negligence. Son of the prominent, Hoboken-based attorney representing immigrant families of seamen with a reputation as a leading admiralty law attorney, Nathan Baker, Jerry is his own pedigree, having attended Yale Law School after his undergraduate studies at Cornell University.
By 1982, Jerry had succeeded his father as managing partner of the 1920’s-founded firm. Over the years, Baker’s cases have included groundbreaking personal-injury cases and major high-profile claims. He has represented the families of TWA Flight 800, Korean Airlines Flight 007 and Egyptair Flight 990, routinely leading to seven-figure settlements, bolstering Baker’s reputation as one of the nation’s leaders of personal-injury law.
In 2002, Baker obtained a verdict of $53 million against Conrail in a wrongful death case representing the family of a conductor who was survived by a wife and two young children. This was the largest wrongful death verdict in the history of New Jersey and one of the top 50 verdicts in the United States in 2002. Baker is New Jersey’s foremost expert on automobile insurance and he has argued many cases as amicus curiae on behalf of ATLA-NJ and the New Jersey State Bar Association.
During his presentation Mr. Baker discussed the 10 most important items to be included in the report of a treating doctor:
- A brief description of the accident
- The nature of any treatment rendered: hospital, radiology
- The physical examination and the initial diagnosis
- The findings of any diagnostic tests and consultations
- The treatment rendered including the dates of treatment
- Prior relevant medical conditions or trauma
- The final diagnosis
- The prognosis and recommendations for future treatment
- Whether, with reasonable medical probability, the injuries were causally related to the accident
- Whether, with reasonable medical probability, the injuries are permanent in nature
Many questions and thoughtful discussions followed Mr. Baker’s presentation, with some staying long after the completion of the program to talk and exchange information. This event was very well received and as usual, with great food and even better conversation exchanged all while the spread of new knowledge occurred.
The next meeting is expected to be held on Thursday February 24th 7-9 PM at the same location, The Royal Warsaw. We are extending our invitation to all our friends, contributors, and professional family to participate in our future events.
Due to popular demand and the respond to the above educational information, we will host Mr. Gerald Baker in June 2022 for the presentation titled: Automobile Insurance: How much coverage should you have to protect yourself and your family. Make plans to attend.
Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management
Pain Management
Englewood, NJ
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