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Book Release: Migration Trauma, Culture, and Finding the Psychological Home Within - Views From British Object Relations Theory

by Grace P. Conroy, PhD     April 30, 2016

Migration Trauma, Culture, and Finding the Psychological Home Within explores the profound psychological effect of migration through an in-depth study of Eastern European migration to the United States.

In presenting the clinical case studies of Eastern European migrants seeking long term psychoanalytic treatment, Grace P. Conroy offers a thorough investigation into the seldom addressed relationships between migration, internal culture, and identity. Drawing from British Object Relations Theory, Conroy examines pre-migration history, inner culture, and in particular early psychological development to discover both the factors that lead to successful psychological migration as well as those factors that lead to failure. A valuable resource for practitioners who work with immigrants, this thoughtful and engaging volume provides insights into the psyche of migrants in the process of integrating into new cultures, and ultimately explores the details and nuances of inner psychological struggles and transformations of the migratory process.

Grace P. Conroy, PhD, is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in private practice in New York City. She has over twenty years of experience working with multicultural populations.

September 2016 • 200 pages
Cloth: 978-1-4422-3151-1 Regular price: $70.00 / After discount: $49.00
eBook: 978-1-4422-3152-8 Regular price: $69.99 / After discount: $48.99

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