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Castle Crumbling? Spruce It Up!

March 25, 2012

Your home is your castle, but like many European fortresses, it may be time for a spring spruce up. Planning to do the job yourself? Check the library for how-to books and videos and if necessary, take a skills class, or do research online. h is will help you understand the project’s scope, its cost, and help prepare you for the job.

If you decide to hire a contractor, check with people you know who have had work done recently by them. Ask what problems arose and their resolution, and whether they would hire the contractor again. If possible, visit their homes to inspect the work. Once you’ve narrowed the list to three names, meet with the candidates and ask for estimates. Don’t necessarily go with the lowest bid. Listen to your gut, too, especially if it’s a major job. h is person will be spending a lot of time in your home and you need to get along.

Whether your renovation or repairs are large or small and will cost relatively little or a lot, see the Credit Union for your home improvement financing. We will work with you to make sure the loan and the loan terms meet your needs.



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