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“The Polish and Lithuanian Constitution of May 3rd Day”. Event in New York

Konsulat Generalny RP w Nowym Jorku
07 maja, 2022

“The Polish and Lithuanian Constitution of May 3rd Day”. Event in New York
Foto: Konsulat Generalny RP w Nowym Jorku/Facebook

“The Polish and Lithuanian Constitution of May 3rd Day” was an event co-hosted by Consuls General of Poland - Adrian Kubicki and of Lithuania - Vaclovas Šalkauskas with special guests of honor Polish Deputy Prime Minister - Prof. Piotr Gliński and Consul General of Ukraine - Oleksii Holubov

On Thursday evening the joint initiative celebrated the 231st anniversary of the Constitution of May 3 with a panel entitled “The Historical and Current Impact of the May 3, 1791 Constitution” presenting some expert historians: moderated by Dr. Jacek Czarnecki (University of New York), featuring Dr. Harold James, (Princeton University), Dr. Marzenna James, (Princeton University) and Maksimas Milta (Yale University).

The guests also had an opportunity to listen to some outstanding musical performances by Radosia Jasik (piano) and David Ordovskiy (flute) while Simona Smirnova played solo on kanklés (Lithuanian zither).

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