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Alexandr Grigoriev na Greenpoint: "Magic World- graphics art"

Janusz Skowron     29 maja, 2016

Od 1 do 27 czerwca, 2016 zapraszamy do A.R Gallery, 71 India Street, Brooklyn, New York na wystawę. Info: 347-971-1938. Kurator wystawy: Janusz Skowron

Alexandr Grigoriev- artysta grafik i malarz urodzony w 1955 roku na Białorusi. Jego kameralne prace w technice miedziorytu były wielokrotnie nagradzane na międzynarodowych konkursach i eksponowane w wielu galeriach (ponad 100 wystaw). Twórczość Grigorieva charakteryzuje się alegorycznością myślenia, odrębnością własnego języka artystycznego. Głównym motywem przewodnim jego grafik jest obraz samotności... Artysta mieszka i tworzy w Brześciu nad Bugiem.

Alexandr Grigoriev – Belarusian graphic artist, painter, sculptor and stenographer. Born on 1955 in the village of Mazurkee, Belarus. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists since 1999. Member of international union UNIMA since 2013. Author and supervisor of the international project “Brest Print Triennial” since 2008. Head of “Grigart Mini Print Studio”. Involved in bookplate activity since 1995. Created about 60 decorative label stucks in total. Works in the technique of etching & aquatint. Participated in more than 100 exhibitions since 2001. Awarded & medalist of international graphic exhibitions-contests for ex-libris in Poland, Romania, Russia.

Grigoriev develops conceptual projects in the style of tragicomedy. His works are characterized by allegorical way of thinking, understanding of contemporaries’ life and being. Grigoriev’s works are held in many collections in:  Serbia, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, England, France, Mexico, China, USA, Belarus and Russia. Lives and works in Brest, Belarus, since 1976, constantly.

