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Competition for the best historical publication on Polish diplomacy and foreign policy

20 marca, 2014

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has opened the second edition of the competition for the best historical publication on Polish diplomacy. Historians are invited to enter their works by 30 June 2014.

The competition is open to academic monographs, books addressed to the general public, as well as compilations of source documents. The jury will accept works dealing with all historical periods; experts in all historical epochs may take part in the contest (there are no chronological limits). The winner will be awarded a cash prize of 15,000 zlotys. 

The competition jury will be the Board of Historians, an advisory body functioning alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which is composed of Professors Włodzimierz Borodziej, Paweł Machcewicz, Andrzej Paczkowski, Jacek Tebinka, Mariusz Wołos and Adam Zamoyski. 

The winner of last year’s edition was Professor Marek Kornat, the author of the monograph Polityka zagraniczna Polski 1938–1939. Cztery decyzje Józefa Becka (Poland’s Foreign Policy 1938-1939. Józef Beck’s Four Decisions). 

Rules of the competition: 

·         Entrants must send in three copies of their publication by 30 June 2014;

·         This year’s edition only covers works that came out in 2013;

·         You should send your publication to one of the following addresses: Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, 00–580 Warszawa), or  Biuro Archiwum i Zarządzania Informacją MSZ (ul. Taneczna 67A, 02–829 Warszawa). Please write on the envelope “Konkurs Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych na najlepszą publikację”;

·         The competition is open to works written in Polish, as well as foreign language publications that have been translated into Polish;

·         The MFA does not return copies sent in for the competition;

·         The jury will not accept works authored or co-authored by MFA staff, as well as works that have been published, co-published, funded or co-funded by the MFA. 

For more information, please contact MFA Historian Piotr Długołęcki, tel. 022 523 78 00, e-mail: piotr.dlugolecki@msz.gov.pl 

For more details about the competition rules, see Order No. 19 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of 30 August 2013 on establishing the award of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the best historical publication on Polish diplomacy (including the appendix)


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