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'Music Across Borders: Baroque and Contemporary Eastern European Choral Works in CT and MA
26 października, 2022
Polish Cultural Institute New York - Instytut Polski w Nowym Jorku

Recommended by the Polish Cultural Institute New York.
We loved collaborating with Crescendo in the past, and are excited for their upcoming program 'Music Across Borders: Baroque and Contemporary Eastern European Choral Works.
Sat, Oct 29 at 4pm
at Trinity Church in Lakeville, CT
Sun, Oct 30 at 4pm
at Saint James Place in Great Barrington, MA
This program takes us beyond the borders of the countries we normally associate with great Baroque Music: Italy, Germany and France, the home of beloved composers such as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Lully.
Learn more and get your ticket: https://instytutpolski.pl/.../music-across-borders.../