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Nabór na „Summer 2019 Study of the United States Institute for Scholars”

28 listopada, 2018

Zgłoszenia są przyjmowane do 9 grudnia 2018

Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych ogłasza nabór do udziału w programie „Summer 2019 Study of the United States Institute for Scholars”. Program jest adresowany do wykładowców, pracowników uniwersyteckich, ekspertów instytucji badawczych lub organizacji pozarządowych, którzy prowadzą wykłady, programy lub szkolenia dotyczące tematyki Stanów Zjednoczonych.  Koszty uczestnictwa pokrywa Departament Stanu USA.

Prosimy o przesyłanie zgłoszeń do 9 grudnia.

Serdecznie zapraszamy.


On behalf of the U.S Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Poland is pleased to invite all interested candidates to apply for summer 2019 Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs).   In 2019 seven (7) different SUSIs will be offered to experienced university faculty, scholars, and other related professionals around the world.

SUSIs are intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions.  The ultimate goal of SUSIs is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions abroad.

The seven different SUSIs will take place at various colleges, universities, and academic institutions throughout the United States over the course of six weeks beginning in or after June 2019.  Each of the seven SUSIs includes a four-week academic residency component and up to two weeks of an integrated study tour to another region of the United States.  Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the program website page to obtain general information about the Institutes.  The website address is: https://exchanges.state.gov/non-us/program/study-us-institutes-scholars

Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars in the summer will be on the following themes in U.S. Studies:

  1. American Culture and Values
  2. American Politics and Political Thought
  3. Contemporary American Literature
  4. Journalism and Media
  5. Religious Freedom and Pluralism
  6. S. Foreign Policy
  7. Youth, Workforce Development, and Closing the Skills Gap.


  1. The Institute on American Culture and Values will promote American culture, leadership, and values by providing a multinational group of 18 experienced and highly motivated foreign university faculty and other specialists with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, civil society institutions, democratic principles, human rights, and the rule of law.  The Institute will examine the concepts of American exceptionalism and American resilience through social, economic, political, and religious contexts in which, historically, various cultures have manifested and shaped contemporary U.S. culture, values, and society.  The program will draw from a diverse disciplinary base and should itself provide a model of how a foreign university might approach the study of U.S. culture and values.  The program will take place during the June to August timeframe in 2019.  This Institute along with three other SUSIs for scholars are currently being openly competed under one award; the recipient and implementing institutions will be known in April 2019. Last year Institute’s dates: June 9 – July 21, 2018
  1. The Institute on American Politics and Political Thought will provide a multinational group of 18 experienced foreign university faculty and practitioners insight into how intellectual and political movements have influenced modern American political institutions and a deeper understanding of major currents in U.S. political thought from the colonial period to the present.  Drawing upon the American Political Development approach, the Institute will provide a full and diverse understanding of U.S. political thought and its connection to U.S. politics, public policy, and institutions by linking contemporary issues with historical and social debates.  The Institute will explore particular themes including self-rule and limited government, liberty and freedom, individualism and identity, equality and inequality, and the American Dream.  The Institute will conclude with an integrated two-week study tour to New York City; Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Shepherdstown, West Virginia; Charlottesville, Virginia; and Washington, D.C.  Pending final ECA (Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs) grant approval, the University of Massachusetts, Donahue Institute in Amherst, MA will host this Institute. Last year Institute’s dates: June 24 – August 6, 2018
  1. The Institute on Contemporary American Literature will provide a multinational group of up to 18 foreign university faculty and scholars with a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of contemporary American (U.S.) literature.  Its purpose is twofold: to explore contemporary American writers and writing in a variety of genres; and to suggest how the themes explored in those works reflect larger currents within contemporary U.S. society and culture.  The program will explore the diversity of the American literary landscape, examining how major contemporary writers, schools, and movements reflect the traditions of the U.S. literary canon.  At the same time, the program will expose participants to writers who represent a departure from that tradition, and who are establishing new directions for American literature.  Pending final ECA grant approval, Seattle University in Washington will host this Institute. Last year Institute’s dates: June 29 – August 11, 2018
  1. The Institute on Journalism and Media will provide a multinational group of 18 experienced and highly motivated foreign journalism instructors and other related specialists with a deeper understanding of the roles that journalism and the media play in U.S. society.  The Institute will examine the role of journalists in recognizing and preventing disinformation and will explore strategies for media and information literacy to counter disinformation.  Additionally, the Institute will examine best practices in journalism by discussing the rights and responsibilities of the media in a democratic society, including editorial independence, journalistic ethics, legal constraints, and international journalism.  Also, the Institute will examine pedagogical strategies for teaching students of journalism the basics of the tradecraft: researching, critical thinking, reporting, interviewing, writing, and editing.  The program will also highlight the impact of technology in journalism, including the influence of the Internet, globalization of the news media, and other changes that are transforming the profession.  The program will take place during the June to August timeframe in 2019.  This Institute along with three other SUSIs for scholars are currently being openly competed under one award; the recipient and implementing institutions will be known in April 2019. Last year Institute’s dates: June 28 – August 10, 2018
  1. The Institute on Religious Freedom and Pluralism will provide a multinational group of up to 18 foreign university faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of religious pluralism in the United States and its intersection with American democracy.  Employing a multi-disciplinary approach and drawing on fields such as history, political science, anthropology and sociology, law, and others, the program will explore both the historical and contemporary relationship between religion and state in the United States.  Participants will examine the ways in which religious thought and practice have influenced, and been influenced by the development of American-style democracy. Study will also include a survey of the diversity of contemporary religious beliefs in relation to the first amendment to the U.S. constitution, elections, public policy, and the demography of the United States.  Interfaith dialogue in the American context will be practiced in the context of the group itself as well as site visits to a diversity of religious communities.  Pending final ECA grant approval, the Dialogue Institute at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA will host this Institute. Last year Institute’s dates: June 2 – July 14, 2018
  1. The Institute on S. Foreign Policy will provide a multinational group of 18 experienced foreign university faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of new approaches to U.S. foreign policy and how U.S. foreign policy is formulated and implemented.  The Institute will include a historical review of significant events, individuals, and philosophies that have shaped U.S. foreign policy.  The Institute will explain the role of key players in U.S. foreign policy including the executive and legislative branches of government, the media, the U.S. public, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and multilateral institutions.  The program will also examine the current U.S. foreign policymaking and the new trends that are shaping policy.  Topics such as the concept of American sovereignty, shifting attitudes towards globalism, U.S. foreign aid, the monitoring of foreign investment in the United States, the efforts to combat terrorism and radicalization, new trade policies and agreements, immigration and border safety, and cybersecurity will be included.  The program will also discuss the reorganization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the new U.S. approaches to international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  The program will take place during the June to August timeframe in 2019.  This Institute along with three other SUSIs for scholars are currently being openly competed under one award; the recipient and implementing institutions will be known in April 2019. Last year Institute’s dates: June 17 – July 29, 2018
  1. The Institute on Youth, Workforce Development, and Closing the Skills Gap will provide a multinational group of 18 experienced foreign faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of how new socioeconomic trends have changed the concept of work, workforce development, and career paths in the United States.  The academic program will include a thorough discussion of the role of U.S. educational institutions, particularly community colleges, in preparing Americans with the skills needed to succeed in multiple industries including business, technology, science, the creative arts, and other emerging fields.  Topics such as urbanization, globalization, economic development, and advances in technology such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence will also be included.  The Institute will offer opportunities for participants to research new ideas, in conjunction with American peers, to better understand the evolution of work, the changing demand for skills, and the advancements in workforce development through retraining, reskilling, and closing the skills gap.  The program will take place during the June to August timeframe in 2019.  This Institute along with three other SUSIs for scholars are currently being openly competed under one award; the recipient and implementing institutions will be known in April 2019. This will be the first edition of this program. 


Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars are highly competitive.  Priority will be given to candidates who have firm plans to enhance, update or develop courses and/or educational materials with a U.S. studies focus or component; who have no prior or limited experience in the United States; and who have special interest in the program subject areas as demonstrated through past scholarship, accomplishments, and professional duties.  In addition, ECA makes every effort to have both a geographic and gender balance in the makeup of the Institute.

Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly motivated, experienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions of higher education or research focused organizations (not-for-profits, think tanks, etc.).  While the educational level of participants will likely vary, most should have graduate degrees and have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the Institute or a related field.

Ideal candidates are individuals whose home institution is seeking to introduce aspects of U.S. studies into its curricula, to develop new courses in the subject of the Institute, to enhance and update existing courses on the United States, or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for professionals in U.S. studies areas related to the program theme.  While the nominee’s scholarly and professional credentials are an important consideration, the potential impact and multiplier effect of the Institute is equally important.  Ideal candidates will have little or no prior experience in the United States.

Candidates must demonstrate English language fluency.  Institutes are rigorous and demanding programs. Participants will be expected to handle substantial reading assignments in English and to fully and actively participate in all seminar and panel discussions.  English fluency is vital to a successful experience in the Institute, both for your participant and participants from other countries.

Candidates should be willing and able to fully take part in an intensive post-graduate level academic program and study tour and be comfortable with campus life and an active program schedule.  


Program Funding: Through Cooperative Agreements to implementing partners, ECA will cover all participant costs, including program administration; travel and ground transportation in the United States; housing and subsistence; and book, cultural, mailing, and incidental allowances.

Housing and Meal Arrangements: When possible, each participant will have a private room with a shared bathroom during the residency portion (four weeks) of the Institute.  However, private room accommodations are not guaranteed.  During the study tour (up to two weeks), participants will likely share a hotel room with another participant of the same gender.  During the residency, housing will typically be in college or university owned housing.  Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own.  Full details will be provided once the Cooperative Agreements have been approved.

Care will be taken to ensure that any special requirements regarding diet, daily worship, housing, and medical care are satisfied.  Please note that a portion of the program may take place during Ramadan.  While the host institution will make every effort to accommodate participants who are fasting, participants should be made aware of the rigorous nature of the Institute and the expectation that the success of the Institute depends on their full participation.

Health Benefits: All participants will receive the Department of State’s coverage of $100,000, with a $25 co-pay per medical visit and $75 co-pay per emergency room visit, for the duration of the program.  Pre-existing conditions are not covered.  Information on the health benefit program may be found online at https://www.sevencorners.com/gov/usdos.

Program Requirements and Restrictions: All participants are expected to participate fully in the program.  Candidates should be made aware that they are applying for an intensive program and there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program.  The Institute is not a research program.  Participants must attend all lectures and organized activities and complete assigned readings.  Family members and/or friends may not accompany participants on any part of the program.  Please note that Institute curriculum will not formally address teaching methodology and pedagogical methods.


  • What degree of English proficiency should a nominee have? All participants must be fully proficient in English; throughout the Institute they will need to fully understand lectures, actively participate in discussions, and read and write assignments in English.
  • Can a nominee who is a dual citizen (U.S. and country of origin) participate in Study of the U.S. Institutes? No.  U.S. citizens and permanent residents (green card holders) are NOT eligible to participate in this program.
  • How much free time/time for independent research will a participant have during the program? There will be some free time during the program as well as some time designated for independent research.  However, nominees MUST understand that this is an intensive academic program and they are expected to participate in all lectures, activities, and scheduled events.  Participants in Scholar Institutes may, at their own expense, opt to extend their stay in the United States after the close of their program to the extent allowed by visa regulations.
  • Can a college professor be considered for the program? Yes. ECA will consider nominees from a variety of professional backgrounds who are professors at all stages of their careers, practitioners in a designated field, college and university administrators, and community leaders, among others.
  • If a nominee has relatives in the United States, would he/she have time to see them?  Because of the intensive nature of the Institutes, participants will NOT be able to leave the Institute to visit relatives or friends.  Participants in Scholar Institutes may, at their own expense, opt to extend their stay in the United States after the close of their program to the extent allowed by visa regulations.
  • Can a relative travel and stay with the participant during the Institute? No.  Relatives are NOT permitted to travel or stay with a participant during the program.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  Participants in Scholar Institutes may, at their own expense, opt to extend their stay in the U.S. after the close of their program to the extent allowed by visa regulations.
  • Can a participant arrive early/late for the Institute? ECA expects the embassy to arrange flight itineraries so that participants arrive on the Institute start date. Occasionally flight schedules necessitate that a participant to arrive a day early.  These situations will be addressed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the ECA program officer and the host institution.  The embassy MUST first consult with ECA program officer about a possible early/late arrival.
  • Can a participant stay after the end of the Institute? Yes.  Under the terms of their J-1 visas, participants have up to 30 days after the end of the program to depart from the U.S.  However, the participant must be aware that s/he is responsible for all expenses after the end of the Institute and will no longer have ECA-sponsored health benefits.
  • Can a participant miss one part or component of the Institute?  No.  All participants are expected to participate in all scheduled lectures, events, site visits, trips, and activities.
  • How much money will participants need to bring for the program?  The Study of the U.S. Institutes cover all costs of an individual’s participation including transportation, lodging, and meals.  Generally, host institutions provide for meals through a combination of a cafeteria meal plan and cash allowance to permit participants to cook or eat at local restaurants.  Information on housing and meal arrangements will be provided by the host institution six weeks prior to the start of the Institute.  Participants should bring their own spending money if they wish to purchase souvenirs or other items during their time in the United States.  All participating scholars will receive a stipend to purchase books and research materials while in the U.S. as well as a certain amount to cover mailing costs. 
  • Will applicants with disabilities be considered? Yes, the ECA and Institutes welcome nominations for individuals with disabilities.  We are committed to working with our Institute hosts to arrange reasonable accommodations for all participants.  While notification of a disability will not negatively impact selection, we ask that you identify disabilities during the nomination process so that we can begin working with our Institute hosts to ensure appropriate accommodations.


Termin przesyłania zgłoszeń: 9 grudzien 2018r. na adres: AmbasadaUSA@state.gov

W ciągu tygodnia, zaczynając od 17 grudnia 2018r. wybrani kandydaci zostaną zaproszeni na spotkania indywidualne, którę odbędą się w dniach 18 grudnia – 27 stycznia 2019r. w Warszawie.

Ostateczną decyzję o zaproszeniu do udziału w programach SUSI podejmują koordynatorzy Departamentu Stanu i wybranych Instytutów. Ich decyzje poznamy w kwietniu 2019r.

Podczas wypełniania formularza, prosimy o:

  • przesłanie zgłoszenia w jednym dokumencie (prosimy o usunięcie opisu programów SUSI)
  • nie używanie tłustego druku, tekstu wyłącznie dużymi literami
  • czcionkę 11 pkt (preferowana Calibri lub Times New Roman)
  • pojedyncze odstępy między wierszami, tekst wyrównany do lewej strony
  • nadanie nazwy dokumentu zgłoszenia według następującego schematu: nazwisko_imię_SUSI 2019 



Summer 2019 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars 

Application deadline: December 9, 2018

Send your nomination to: AmbasadaUSA@state.gov 

 Please provide all of the following information in English: 

1. Nominee’s Full Name: Nominee’s names should match his/her passport and should be presented in the following order: Prefix (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.), Last Name(s), First Name, Middle Name.

2. Date of Birth (please spell out Month, Day, Year)

3. Birth City 

4. Birth Country

5. Country(ies) of Citizenship: Primary and, if applicable, secondary country

6. Country of Residence

7. Medical, Physical, Dietary or other Personal Considerations, Impairments, Disabilities: Please describe any pre-existing medical conditions, including any prescription medication the candidate maybe taking, or any other dietary or personal considerations.  This will not affect candidate selection, but will enable the host institution to make any necessary accommodations.

8. Candidate Contact Information: Home Address (street, mailing code), Province, Home Country, E-mail, and Cell Telephone.

9. Please provide your current Position Title, Institution Name both in Polish and English

10. Please select by underlining “Position Type” from the following:

1. Senior University Official, Government Minister, Senior Executive;

2. University Dean, Government Advisor, Vice President, Junior Executive;

3. Senior Professor, Department Chair, Director, Editor, Officer, etc.

4. Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Think-Tank Fellow, Senior Staff, etc.

5. Assistant Professor, Assistant Editor, Coordinator, mid-level Staff Researcher, Think Tank fellow, etc.

6. Lecturer, Teacher, Consultant;

7. Teaching Assistant, Instructor:

8. Other – please provide: Title, Institution Name, Institution Country.

11. Work Experience, including previous positions and titles: exact dates of employment, title/position, and institution – please specify if position is part-time.

From:(month, year) To:(month, year) Title/Institution (Please specify if position is part-time)


12. Education, and Academic and Professional Training, including all degrees earned and fields of specialization. Please list them beginning with most recent. Degrees listed should reflect the closest U.S. equivalent. List in the following format: Degree Earned (Ph.D./J.D., Doctoral Candidate/Postgraduate, MA, BA), Year Earned, Specialization, Institution.Please provide additional Professional Training (if any).

Degree Earned Year Earned Specialization/Institution


Additional Professional Training:

13. Active Professional Memberships independent of current professional responsibilities. Include: Position, Title, Organization. These should not include university committee work or other professional duties directly related to current employment. Please select from among the following position types to describe the level of the candidate’s involvement with the organizations listed: 1) President, Board Chairperson, Director2) Board Member3) Editorial Staff, Officer4) Contributing Member 5) Member

Position (from the list above) Title Organization
e.g. Member    


14. Publications related to the Institute Theme in the following order: Type of Publication (listed below), Year, Title Publisher.  All foreign titles should be translated into English. Maximum 10 publications. To identify the publication type, please choose from among the following options: 1) Book 2) Edited volume (as primary or co-editor)3) Book chapter4) Journal article5) Newspaper/ online article6) Conference/ University/ Government publication

Publication Type (from the list above) Year (month, year) Title Publisher
e.g. Book    


15. Previous Experience (only professional) in the United States in the following order: purpose, include exact dates and the description/reason for travel. To identify the purpose please choose from the following options: 1) Earned Ph.D.2) Earned M.A./M.S.3) Earned B.A./B.S.4) Other USG grant / Visiting Position5) Non-degree study in the U.S. (undergraduate or high school)6) English Language Training6) Professional short-term travel (conference, tourism, business)

Purpose (from the list above) From (month, year) To(month, year) Description
e.g. earned Ph.D.      


16. Family/Friends Residing in the United States: Please list any immediate family members who currently are residing in the United States, including city and state. For example: John Doe – Chicago, IL 17. Evidence of English Fluency (e.g. personal interview, test score, received certificates, etc.)  18. Professional Responsibilities: Please discuss your professional responsibilities in greater detail, including research interests, administrative responsibilities (ex. curriculum design) and/or other pertinent information. 19. Current Courses Taught in the following order: 1) course title, 2) level of student (please select from: Ph.D., M.A., Undergraduate, High School), 3) classroom hours per semester, 4) number of students, 5) estimated percent of U.S. studies content.

Course Title Level of Students Classroom Hours Per Semester Number of Students U.S. Studies Content (%)


20. Current Student Advising: advising is not the same as teaching. We are looking for the number of students, their level, and hours you spend providing assistance in helping students clarifying personal and career goals, and evaluating progress towards those goals. This section can also include those that supervise PhD and graduate students. Please include info in the below table (add more rows if needed).

Number of students advised studying U.S. related topics Level of students Hours of advising per student per year


21. Other Potential Outcomes – Please select by underlining all of the likely potential outcomes that might result from your participation in this program:  1) Update Existing Course; 2) Create New Course; 3) Create New Degree Program; 4) University Curriculum Redesign; 5) National Curriculum Redesign; 6) New Research Project; 7) New Publication; 8) Professional Promotion; 9) Government or Ministry Policy; 10) New Professional Organization; 11) New Institutional Linkages; 12) Raise Institutional Profile.  

22. Personal Essay (up to 250 words) Please discuss why you are interested in participating in the Institute. What do you expect to gain? What will you contribute to Institute? How your participation would enhance your personal and professional goals, the current state of US studies in your home country, or upon the Institute. Include how attending this Institute would help you achieve the „Other Potential Outcomes” you have checked above. The essay should describe your capacity to amplify the impact of the program beyond your research and knowledge.

Ważny komentarz odnośnie eseju, który należy dodać do zgłoszenia:

Essay: ECA (Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs) requests a short personal essay from each candidate in order to have a better sense of candidates’ motivations and goals.  A strong candidate statement/personal essay should convey why the participant is interested in participating in the particular Institute, what s/he expects to gain from the experience, what s/he will bring to the program, and how s/he will leverage the experience to achieve “other potential outcomes” selected in the nomination form.  In addition, candidate statements should describe the candidate’s capacity and plans to amplify the impact of the Institute beyond their own knowledge and research.
