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Program „Winter 2019 Study of the United States Institute on U.S. National Security Policymaking” w University of Delaware

September 06, 2018

Zapraszamy na Winter 2019 Study of the United States Institute on U.S. National Security Policymaking w Stanach Zjednoczonych

Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych zaprasza do ubiegania się o uczestnictwo w programie „Winter 2019 Study of the United States Institute on U.S. National Security Policymaking”, który odbędzie się  w University of Delaware w dn. 3 stycznia – 14 lutego 2018r. Wszystkie koszty udziału w programie pokrywa Departament Stanu.  Poniżej podajemy szczegółowy opis programu.

Czekamy na Państwa zgłoszenia do 23 września 2018r.

Formularz zgłoszeniowy [PDF 127.86 Kb]

Tylko osoby, które zostaną zaproszone na rozmowy kwalifikacyjne zostaną o tym poinformowane w dn. 26-28 września drogą mailową. Przesłuchania kandydatów (w Warszawie) są zaplanowane na 1-5 października. Departament Stanu opublikuje listę zatwierdzonych kandydatów pod koniec listopada.

The State Department is pleased to invite candidate nominations for the winter 2018 Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Scholars on U.S. National Security Policymaking. The institute will take place from January 3 to February 15, 2019 at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE.


Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Scholars are intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions.  The ultimate goal of these Institutes is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions abroad.  Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars will take place at various colleges, universities, and institutions throughout the United States over the course of six weeks.  Each Institute includes a four-week academic residency component and up to two weeks of an integrated study tour.  General information about the Institutes is available here: http://exchanges.state.gov/susi


The SUSI for Scholars on U.S. National Security Policymaking will provide a group of 18 scholars and professionals with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the foundations of U.S. national security policy and current threats facing the United States.  The Institute focuses on the formulation of U.S. foreign and national security policy and the role of the federal government, think-tanks, media, and public opinion in shaping that policy. The Institute will be hosted by the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware.

The program will examine U.S. national security policy continuities and changes throughout different presidential administrations.  The Institute will encourage intellectual engagement, reflection, and interaction with U.S.-based experts to deepen scholar knowledge of the foundations and formulation of U.S. national security policy. The program focuses on four interconnected modules: 1) The U.S. view of the world and its place in the global system; 2) Terrorism and national security in the U.S. and abroad; 3) U.S. immigration and refugee policies; and 4) The search for the right balance between unilateralism and multilateralism.  Each week, scholars will participate in academic sessions, roundtable discussions with U.S. national security experts, and conversations with the broader Newark, Delaware community on key thematic topics. The Institute participants will also travel to San Antonio and Austin, Texas; New York City, New York; Washington, D.C.; and other regional locales.


Program Funding: Through a Cooperative Agreement to the University of Delaware, State Department will cover all participant costs, including: program administration; travel and ground transportation in the United States; and book, cultural, housing, subsistence, mailing, and incidental allowances.

Housing and Meal Arrangements: When possible, each participant will have a private room with a shared bathroom during the residency portion (four weeks) of the Institute.  During the study tour (up to two weeks), participants will likely share a hotel room with another participant of the same gender.  During the residency, housing will typically be in college or university owned housing.  Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own.

Care will be taken to ensure that any special requirements regarding diet, daily worship, housing, and medical care are satisfied.  While the host institution will make every effort to accommodate all needs, participants should be made aware of the rigorous nature of the Institute and the expectation that the success of the Institute depends on their full participation.

The host institution will cover all travel within the United States during the Institute.

Health Benefits: All participants will receive the Department of State’s coverage of $100,000, with a $25 co-pay per medical visit and $75 co-pay per emergency room visit, for the duration of the program.  Pre-existing conditions are not covered.  Information on the health benefit program may be found online at usdos.sevencorners.com.

Program Requirements and Restrictions: All participants are expected to participate fully in the program.  Candidates should be made aware that they are applying for an intensive program and there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program.  The Institute is not a research program.  Participants must attend all lectures and organized activities and complete assigned readings.  Family members and/or friends may not accompany participants on any part of the program.  Please note that Institute curriculum will not formally address teaching methodology and pedagogical methods.


  • Study of the U.S. Institutes are highly competitive.  Priority will be given to candidates who have firm plans to enhance, update, or develop courses and/or educational materials with a U.S. studies focus or component; who have no prior or limited experience in the United States; and who have special interest in the program subject areas as demonstrated through past scholarship, accomplishments, and professional duties.
  • Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly-motivated and experienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions of higher education or research focused organizations (not-for-profits, think tanks, etc.).  While the educational level of participants will likely vary, most should have graduate degrees and have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the Institute or a related field.
  • Ideal candidates are individuals whose home institution is seeking to introduce aspects of U.S. studies into its curricula, to develop new courses in the subject of the Institute, to enhance and update existing courses on the United States, or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for professionals in U.S. studies areas related to the program theme. While the nominee’s scholarly and professional credentials are an important consideration, the potential impact and multiplier effect of the Institute is equally important.
  • Ideal candidates will have little or no prior experience in the United States.
  • Candidates must demonstrate English language fluency. Institutes are rigorous and demanding programs; participants will be expected to handle substantial reading assignments in English and to fully and actively participate in all seminar and panel discussions.  English fluency is vital to a successful experience in the Institute, both for your participant and participants from other countries.
  • U.S. citizens and permanent residents (green card holders) are NOT eligible to participate in this program.

If you are interested in applying to this program please fill out the application form and send to it to: U.S.Embassy.Warsaw@state.gov as a separate document.