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Na Dzień Dziecka na Manhattanie-sztuka Jana Brzechwy pt." Pchła Szachrajka"
30 maja, 2018
Zapraszamy do The Kosciuszko Foundation 2 czerwca
The Cheating Flea by Jan Brzechwa
Saturday, June 2, 2018, at 3:00pm
Join us for the colorful and charming adventures of the "The Cheating Flea" by Jan Brzechwa.
Saturday, June 2, 2018 | 4:00 PM
The Kosciuszko Foundation
15 east 65 str NY 10065
Tickets: $25
"The Cheating Flea" by Jan Brzechwa is a theatre for Children (6-12) producer Polish Theatre Institute, NY
Starring: Anna Podolak, Justyna Kostek, Izabella Laskowska
The crew:
Director, Writer: Izabella Laskowska
Music Composer: Waldemar Wisniewski
Set Design: Sara Wechsler, Uta Szczerba
Costume Design: Basia Malinowska
Stage Manager: Z. Laskowski
Photos: J. Pacia
Project Partners: Consulate General of Poland in New York, MSZ - Poland
Sponsors: The Kościuszko Foundation, PSFCU, Centrala Polskich Szkol
Media: Dobra Polska Szkoła, Kurier Plus, Polskie Radio910AM, Radio Rampa, Nowy Dziennik
The Flea tries out her "despicable" tricks in all sorts of situations, and everyone falls for them... But only up to a point! Will the Flea be punished for her mischief? Will she go to jail for her roguery?
Polish Theatre Institute was founded in New York in 1984, and steered for 32 years by Nina Polan, who oversaw the staging of dozens of theatrical and musical productions for Poles living in the United States. After Ms. Polan's death in 2014, the PTI was confronted with a financial crisis and the organization was compelled to rebuild. During its first two years under a new director, in cooperation with Polish Language Schools in both New York and New Jersey, the PTI dedicated itself to programming aimed at Polish children. In the autumn of 2015, the PTI launched its "Education Through Theater" program built around poetic performances and theater workshops designed specifically for children at the primary school level. This project aims to guide children into the magical world of theater, promote Polish culture, and support Polish language education in as appealing and exciting a manner as possible. In its first season, 2015-2016, our performances of "Jack and the Beanstalk" were viewed by over 5,500 children. "The Cheating Flea" is the second presentation prepared within the framework of the "Education Through Theater". The premiere will take place on October 16th at the Kosciuszko Foundation. Several other performances in New York will be open to the general public, and in the spring of 2017 "The Swindler Flea" will take to the road and tour Polish schools along the Eastern Seaboard. PTI is a nonprofit organization, acting through sponsors and the support of the audience.

Kosciuszko Foundation
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Founded in 1925, the Kosciuszko Foundation promotes closer ties between Poland and the United States through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges. It awards up to $1 million annually in fellowships and grants to graduate students, scholars, scientists, professionals, and artists, and promotes Polish culture in America. The Foundation has awarded scholarships and provided a forum to Poles who have changed history.