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Polish Language Program in DC

August 04, 2017

The Washington, D.C. Polish Language Program provides an opportunity for students of Polish at all levels to enhance their command of this rich Slavic language and knowledge of its culture.

Whether a complete beginner looking for conversational skills or a professional seeking to gain facility with more focused vocabulary, the Washington, D.C. Polish Language Program provides an affordable and convenient means of acquiring the language skills and cultural background knowledge students need.

Three or four levels of Polish are usually offered in addition to an occasional Immersion Course.

All classes include instruction in essential aspects of Polish history, culture, customs and traditions. Textbooks are supplemented with literary materials as well as music and videos.


 Classes Offered:

  Beginners Polish I

 This class offers an introduction to Polish language; designed for students with no previous knowledge of  Polish. The class provides basic instructions to develop speaking and understanding skills in everyday  situations. Simple elements of Polish grammar are introduced as well.


 Beginners Polish II  

 (prerequisite: Beginners Polish I or equivalent) 

 The class is designed for students who completed one or two semesters of Polish (or equivalent). We focus  on developing our communication skills and on vocabulary buidling, while adding more advanced  concepts of Polish grammar.


 (prerequisite: Beginners Polish II or equivalent)

 We work with more complex Polish language materials, developing all four language skills: speaking,  understanding, reading and writing.  We work with a variety of texts.


 (prerequisite: Intermediate Polish or equivalent)

 A conversational class is designed for students who already have basic speaking and writing skills and  want to further improve their language command. We work with more advanced contemporary texts from  different areas of life.

 Advanced Conversations 

 (no prerequisite required)

 This section is conducted exclusively in Polish and we focus on developing native-like communicating  skills. It's a discussion-based class. Some complex grammar and style exercises are also a part of this  course.

Fall Semester 2017 

Beginners I -        Thursdays (Sep. 20 - Dec.20)

Beg. I cont. -        Wednesdays (Sep. 19 - Dec. 19)


Beg II / Interm.  - Mondays (Sep.18 - Dec. 18) 


Interm. II / Adv.  -  Tuesdays (Sep.21 - Dec.21)

