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Polish, American, Canadian and Brasilian Musicians in "Musical Tribute to Thaddeus Kosciuszko" in NY

November 01, 2016

A Musical Tribute to Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Polish and American Hero, on Sunday, November 13, 2016, at 7:30pm at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan

Who was Thaddeus Kosciuszko?

In the United States …

  • He tried to buy Thomas Jefferson's slaves and free them.
  • He designed the blueprints for West Point, which Benedict Arnold sold to the British.
  • He planned the Battle of Saratoga, the turning point of the American Revolution.
  • He stood up for the rights of Native Americans, and the chief of the Miami Indian tribe gave him a tomahawk/peace pipe as a sign of appreciation.

In France …

  • The French Revolutionaries made him an honorary "Citizen of France."
  • He warned these same revolutionaries about Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Three weeks later, Napoleon staged a coup d'etat and took over France.

In Poland…

  • He led a Revolution to free the peasants from serfdom and end feudalism.
  • He was joined by a black man named Jean Lapierre who tried to help him to free white slaves.
  • The Jews started a Jewish "Bearded cavalry" to fight along side of him.
  • The Jewish cavalry leader called him "a messenger from God."

Kosciuszko was a prince of tolerance who stood up for the rights of European serfs, African Slaves, Native American Indians, Jews, Women and all groups that were disenfranchised. Even Thomas Jefferson called Kosciuszko, "The purest son of liberty I have ever known."

For more info see:


The program will showcase some of the most beautiful chamber music written by 12 Polish composers, from Fryderyk Chopin to Krzysztof Penderecki. It will be a unique opportunity, to hear works by F. Chopin, St. Moniuszko, I.J. Paderewski, H. Wieniawski, M. Karłowicz, Z. Noskowski, K. Szymanowski, L. Różycki, G. Bacewicz, R. Twardowski, H.M. Górecki, W Kilar i K. Penderecki, all in one evening. The performers of this concert will be Polish, American, Canadian and Brasilian musicians (e: Mariusz Monczak and Nadia Monczak - violin;  Małgorzata Kellis – soprano; and pianists Durval Cesetti and Dan Smith. The concert will be hosted by actress Liliana Komorowska.

Z. Noskowski - Pieśń dawna, (Old Song )

F. Chopin – Życzenie, (Maiden's Wish)

St. Moniuszko - Aria from the opera Halka

F. Chopin - Waltz

H. Wieniawski – Variations on Original Theme

J.I. Paderewski - Nad wodą jasną i czystą By Mighty Waters

K. Szymanowski – Violin sonata in d minor op. 9

K. Szymanowski - Mazurka

K. Szymanowski- La Fontaine d'Arethuse

M. Karłowicz - Pamiętam ciche jasne dni, ( I Remember Quiet, Clear Golden Days)

L. Różycki - Rajski Ptak, (Bird of Paradise)

K. Penderecki - Cadenza

R. Twardowski - Sonatina for two violins

H. M. Górecki – The little Fantasia

G. Bacewicz – Oberek

The partners in the realization of this project are the Consulate General of Poland in New York, the Kosciuszko Foundation, the Nowodworski Foundation of New York, and the Westchester Pułaski Association.

Tickets, $49.00, are on sale at Carnegie Charge, 212-247-7800 or at the Box Office  at 57th St & Seventh Ave. 

More info:  ( 917) 455 6641,  arsactiva@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/kosciuszkobicentenary