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Program Stypendialny P-SFUK 2015

03 czerwca, 2015

W tym roku Komitet Stypendialny nagrodzi 223 studentów na łączną kwotę $250,000. Ogłoszenie nazwisk stypendystów i ich uroczyste wręczenie odbędzie się w następujących terminach:

  • 3 czerwca dla mieszkających w stanie Nowy Jork
    Sala konferencyjna w oddziale Naszej Unii na Greenpoincie
    100 McGuinness Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11222

  • 4 czerwca dla mieszkańców New Jersey
    Sala konferencyjna w Centrum Operacyjnym Naszej Unii w Fairfield
    9 Law Drive, Fairfield, NJ 07004

Obie uroczystości rozpoczynają się o 18.30. Proszę nas śledzić w mediach społecznościowych.

Gościem honorowym podczas uroczystości 3-4 czerwca będzie dr John Lenczowski.

Dr. John Lenczowski - President, The Institute of World Politics

John Lenczowski is founder and president of The Institute of World Politics, an independent graduate school of national security and international affairs in Washington, D.C. IWP is dedicated to developing leaders with a sound understanding of international realities and the ethical conduct of statecraft, based on knowledge and appreciation of American founding principles and the Western moral tradition. Offering three Master's degrees and eight certificate programs, IWP is the only academic institution dedicated to teaching all the arts of statecraft, including: military strategy, the art of diplomacy; public diplomacy, opinion formation, political warfare; intelligence, counterintelligence, economic strategy, and moral leadership, and how these arts are integrated into national strategy.

From 1981 to 1983 Dr. Lenczowski served in the State Department in the Bureau of European Affairs and as Special Advisor to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. From 1983 to 1987 he was Director of European and Soviet Affairs at the National Security Council. In that capacity, he served as principal Soviet affairs adviser to President Reagan.

He has been associated with several academic and research institutions in the Washington area, including Georgetown University, the University of Maryland, the American Enterprise Institute, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Council for Inter-American Security, and the International Freedom Foundation. He has also served on a Congressional staff.
Dr. Lenczowski attended the Thacher School, earned his B.A. at the University of California, Berkeley, and received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

He is the author of Soviet Perceptions of U.S. Foreign Policy (1982); The Sources of Soviet Perestroika (1990), Cultural Diplomacy: A Multi-faceted Strategic Asset of Soviet Power (1991); Full-Spectrum Diplomacy and Grand Strategy (2010) and numerous other writings and addresses on U.S. foreign policy, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, counter-propaganda, political warfare, Soviet/Russian affairs, comparative ideologies, intelligence, strategic deception, counterintelligence, and integrated strategy.

Dr. Lenczowski and his wife, Susan, have two children and live in Washington.

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