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Athlete Marcin Gortat, the First Recipient of the "White Eagle Award"

17 marca, 2015

The award presentation took place on March 14, 2015 at the Verizon Center during Polish Heritage Night

"Marcin Gortat is not only an incredible athlete, and an 'ambassador' of our country in the world's best basketball league, but also an individual who wants to and knows how to apply his accomplishments to inspire youth, promote physical education, honor veterans and promote our country in the USA" remarked Ambassador Schnepf, explaining his decision to present Marcin Gortat this award.

The White Eagle Award is an honorary recognition given by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to both individuals as well as organizations, citizens of Poland or the United States for their work to strengthen Polish-American relations, promote Poland's interests in the United States, deepen interpersonal contact between Poles and Americans as well as for spreading knowledge about Poland and her achievements in the spheres of politics, economics, science, culture and national heritage. 

The award is presented in three categories: politics; economics; and culture, sports and media.

Embassy of the Republic of Poland

in Washington D.C.