Piątek, 5 lipca, 2024   I   06:42:35 PM EST   I   Antoniego, Bartłomieja, Karoliny

9/11 Anniversary: Live Report

11 września, 2011

8:53 Parisians at the Trocadero also observe the moment of silence marking the exact time American Airlines flight 11 hit the North Tower. A choir of children then sing Schubert\'s Ave Maria.

8:48 Readers began announcing the names of the 2,753 people who died at the World Trade Center, a tradtion began on the first anniversary of the attacks. By chance, the clouds took over the sun just before the first minute of silence and the sky became suddenly less brilliant.

Obama, the first lady and Bush and his wife, are all seated are in a special part of the stage, protected by glass. They all look up as the reading of the victims names start.

The events of September 11 are being marked around the world. In Paris, on the Trocadero plaza across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, between two replicas of the fallen twin towers, American and French choirs sing the Marseillaise and then the Star-Spangled Banner.

8:46 The first moment of silence as Americans mark the moment that the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

8:40 Many at the ceremony are moved to tears as the flag is folded while the police and firefighter bagpipers played.

8:38 Firefighters unfolded a US flag, which flew over Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks as a choir sang the national anthem. The two presidents stood side-by-side with their hands over their hearts.

8:37 The memorial features huge black square fountains sunk into the ground at the exact footprints of the vanished Twin Towers. Water cascades down into to the deep pits which are rimmed with the names of all the victims of 9/11 written in bronze.

8:34 Beside the stage at the 9/11 Memorial, there are two tents for the "readers," the people who will read the names of the victims as they do every year. Helicopters fly over the area and a huge American flag hungs on One World Trade Center tower, the new tower being built at the site. It will be the tallest in United States and has already 81 of 104 floors. Mourners hold up posters with pictures of their loved ones. "Debra Ann Di Martino, we love you", "Philip T. Hayes, always and forever in our hearts."

8:30 A bagpipe band, a tradition among New York firefighters and police officers, are marching into the site to the beat of solemn drums.

8:28 Nancy Novaro, 52, lost her sister-in-law Catherine Lisa Loguidice, 30, who was in the 105th floor of north tower. She\'s alone at the World Trade Center site and she has a big picture of a smiling Catherine. "I come every year. I don\'t miss an anniversary. It\'s getting easier but it\'s never easy. Now with the memorial it looks much better. It\'s a new step forward." "I don\'t think we can turn the page. For us the pain will remain there. Maybe grandchildren will be able to turn the page. Every September 11th the feelings come back and we have to go through it again."

8:25 Before taking their seats, the Obamas and Bushes shook hands and exchanged words with a line of people that included relatives of those killed at the World Trade Center and New York officials, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

8:23 Obama, wearing a dark suit and tie with a white shirt, is walking around Ground Zero with Bush. First Lady Michelle Obama, wearing a black dress, and former First Lady Laura Bush, are with the group which also includes the New York governor, Andrew Cuomo and Bush\'s daughters Jenna and Barbara. They pause at the new 9/11 memorial, a pair of massive fountains at the footprints of the Twin Towers. They seem relaxed as they stroll around. Soon they will be in their seats along with other VIPs for the start of the ceremony.

8:15 US President Barack Obama and former president George Bush, along with their wives, visit the memorial at the site of the World Trade Center in New York.

8:14 The world is marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States with memorials in New York, Washington and around the world. AFP is opening a Live Report to document the events of the day.