Sobota, 29 czerwca, 2024   I   06:54:06 AM EST   I   Pawła, Piotra, Salomei

Apple\'s Jobs unveils iCloud

06 czerwca, 2011

Apple chief executive Steve Jobs on Monday unveiled a free digital hub called iCloud that allows users to store and access content on the Internet.

"iCloud stores your content in the cloud and automatically pushes it to all your devices," Jobs told software developers at Apple\'s Worldwide Developers Conference.

"Some people think the cloud is just a hard disk in the sky," Jobs said. "We think it\'s way more than that, and we call it iCloud."

"We\'re going to move the digital hub to the cloud," he said.

Jobs said that a song downloaded on an iPhone for example would be available on a user\'s iPad without having to synchronize the devices as previously.