Sobota, 28 września, 2024   I   05:10:55 PM EST   I   Libuszy, Wacławy, Wacława

California \'concerned\' but ready in case of big quake

14 marca, 2011

Authorities in the US state of California are concerned but prepared for a major earthquake such as the one that struck Japan last week, a top state emergency official said Monday.

"We\'re always concerned. We\'re not unduly alarmed," said Mike Dayton, acting secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency, in an interview with CNN.

"We know California is an earthquake-prone state. That\'s why we take preparations so seriously in California. We put a lot of effort into catastrophic planning in the (San Francisco) Bay area and a lot of effort in southern California."

Like Japan, California is situated on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" that accounts for 80 percent of the world\'s major earthquakes.

Studies have indicated that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in California could kill 1,800 people and destroy 300,000 structures.

In 1994, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake hit the Los Angeles area, killing some 60 people. In 1989, a quake of 6.9 magnitude struck near San Francisco, leaving 67 dead.

Dayton acknowledged the risks but said, "We are prepared."

"We\'re working closely with the geologists and nuclear engineers" to cope with the potential impact of such an earthquake and trying to keep the public informed, he added.

"We\'re trying to build a culture of preparedness in California," he said. "The governor\'s committed to that. And it\'s really about taking personal responsibility and being prepared to be on your own for 72 hours."