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Google moving in on Apple's digital newsstand

January 03, 2011

Google is trying to get media backing for a new Google-operated digital newsstand for users of devices that run its Android software, hoping to muscle in on Apple's own version, The Wall Street Journal said.

Google has already approached several publishers, including Time Warner Inc.'s Time Inc. unit, Condé Nast and Hearst Corp., according to people familiar with the matter.

In recent weeks, these sources said, Google has told publishers it would take a smaller slice on any sales they make of Android apps than the 30 percent cut Apple typically takes on iTunes sales.

"Google has also proposed giving publishers certain personal data about app buyers to help with marketing related products or services," the daily said.

Google, it added, issued a statement on the matter saying: "We've consistently said we're talking with publishers about ways we can work together, including whether we can help them with technology for subscription services. We have nothing specific to announce at this time."

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