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Seminarium na temat nieruchomości. Kupić czy wynająć w Nowym Jorku?

06 września, 2019

Zapraszamy do oddziału PSFCU na Greenpoincie na spotkanie z przedstawicielami Naszej Unii, firmy prawniczej Dajka i Popławski, PLLC oraz New York Realty MiniMax

Dzwoniąc powołaj się na reklamę z POLONIJNEJ KSIĄŻKI - Polish Pages.

ABOUT PSFCU: Founded in Brooklyn, NY in 1976, PSFCU is the largest ethnic credit union in the U.S. with more than $2 billion in assets. It offers carefully tailored financial products and services to its 135,000 members and their families throughout the country, mainly through its 20 branches in New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Pennslyvania. Long known for its commitment to the communities it serves, the credit union proudly sponsors and supports countless Polish-American organizations, schools, churches and cultural events that all help make local neighborhoods succeed and thrive.