Piątek, 27 września, 2024   I   05:22:55 PM EST   I   Damiana, Mirabeli, Wincentego

International Korczak Conference in Seattle

22 listopada, 2017

The next International Korczak Conference will be held in Seattle on August 22-25, 2018 at the Seattle Pacific University (SPU) campus.

The conference theme: "Education for excellence, diversity, and respect: Transformative 21st century innovations" will present multidisciplinary research and practice that address issues of providing and protecting children’s rights and training teachers with the main focus on Janusz Korczak’s educational legacy.

Call for papers is now open (in the English language only) for presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, exhibits and posters. Submissions from doctoral students, teachers, and other practitioners working with the children of all ages are also encouraged.

Presentations may report on original research, innovative programs, creative projects, professional practices and theoretical perspectives on topics that relate to the conference theme. Workshops, exhibits, and poster format submissions are encouraged to use a variety of creative methods including multimedia, performance arts and experiential knowledge to develop participants’ understanding, insights, knowledge, and skills. All submissions will go through a peer reviewed process.

Submission deadline: February 15, 2018