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Symposium Celebrating the 77th Anniversary of Arrival Statue of King Jagiello, New York

19 października, 2016

The King Jagiełło Monument Working Group is pleased to announce a Scholarly Symposium and Observances celebrating the 77th Anniversary of arrival of Stanisław Ostrowski's Statue of King Jagiello at the 1939 World's Fair as well as completion of conservation work on the Statue by the Central Park Conservancy

A Symposium held under the Patronage of The Honorable Anna Maria Anders, Senator of the Republic of Poland, Secretary of State, Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for International Dialogue, at General Consulate of the Republic of Poland.

October 30, 2016 - Rededication of the King Jagiełło Monument in Central Park - Open to the public. Start at 12:00 PM
Location: King Jagiełło Monument (Turtle Pond, entrance at 79th and Fifth Avenue)

The events are open to the public - however, if you wish to attend the Symposium RSVP is required at no later than October 20th - give your full name and affiliation. 

Please arrive at the Consulate no later than 09:45 and bring photo ID.


10:00 – Greeting – Consul Katarzyna Padło 

10:10 – Introduction – Grzegorz Worwa, President of the Polish American Congress LI Division 

10:20 – Senator Anna Maria Anders 

10:30 – 11:45 - Stanisław Kazimierz Ostrowski and Polish Art Deco 

Jan Loryś, Consultant to the Polish Museum of America 

Krystyna Nowakowska,Ph.D., Muzeum in Legnica (Emeritus) 

11:50 – 13:05 - King Jagiełło and his Concept of a Unified Europe 

Piotr S. Górecki, Ph.D., Professor of History, University of California, Riverside 

Robert I. Frost, Ph.D., Burnett Fletcher Chair of History, School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, University of Aberdeen 

13:10-14:10 – Award and Presentation 

13:20 – 14:10 Lunch Break 

Film, board games and book display in central hall 

14:15 – Introduction – Janusz Romański, Phd., President Polonia Technica

14:25- 15:40 – Historical Sculptures in the Public Domain
Krzysztof Wodiczko, Director, Art, Design and the Public Domain, Graduate School of Design at Harvard University Gediminas Urbonas, Director, MIT Program of Art, Culture and Technology
15:45-17:00 – Conservation work on the King Jagiełło Statue/ Polish                        Conservators in the World - Matthew C. Reiley, Associate Director of Conservation, Central Park Conservancy, Joanna Pietruszewska, Aegis-Restauro
17:00 – Closing Remarks – Iwona Drąg-Korga, Ph.D., President of the Józef Piłsudski Institute
Compere – Krystyna Piórkowska