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Polish American Congress in Poland

02 sierpnia, 2016

PAC was participating in the 2016 Forum Polonii Amerykanskiej (Forum of American Polonia) held July 25-30, in Rzeszow, Podkarpacie Region.

Led by President Frank Spula, a delegation of 44 members of the Polish American Congress (PAC) traveled to Poland for a first-ever meeting outside of the U.S. borders.

Other members of the PAC Executive Committee included Maria Szonert-Binienda, VP for Polish Agenda, Dr. Mark Pienkos, VP for Public Relations, and Hubert Cioromski, VP for Financial Developments. The PAC delegation included representatives of 13 PAC Divisions and 7 national member organizations. Dr. Barbara Andersen, Executive Director of the Washington D.C. Office, acted as an organizational liaison cooperating closely with the organizers in the preparation and execution of this historic event.

Organized by Wladyslaw Ortyl, Marshall of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, the Forum involved very intensive program that included meetings, presentations by high-level speakers, and panel discussions explaining the opportunities for business, educational, and cultural partnerships. Several tourist-oriented venues the region offers were also presented. One site for the meetings was the newly opened convention center in Jasionka, across the street from the Rzeszow International Airport.

In addition to PAC, several representatives from the American business community joined Polish counterparts to listen to the budding opportunities the region has to offer. Other participants included representatives of Polonia communities worldwide, including those of Canada, England, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, to name a few. Representatives from Poland’s local, regional, and national governments at various levels were also in attendance. Among the many who addressed and/or hosted the group were:
From the Podkarpacie region (Hosts):
- Wladyslaw Ortyl, Marshall of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Marszalek Wojewodztwa)
Bogdan Romaniuk, Deputy Marshall of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Wice Marszalek)
- Jerzy Cyprys, Chairman of the Local Parliament (Przewodniczacy Sejmiku Wojewodztwa)
- Tadeusz Ferenc, the Mayor of Rzeszow (Prezydent miasta Rzeszow)
- Wieslaw Kapel, Lubaczow Munity Executive (Wojt Gminy Lubaczow)
- Lucjusz Nadberezny, Mayor of Stalowa Wola (Prezydent miasta Stalowa Wola)
- Tadeusz Pioro, Mayor of Sanok (Burmistrz miasta Sanoka)
- Roman Konieczny, Foreman of Sanok County (Starosta Powiatu Sanockiego)
From the government of Poland (organizing partner and sponsor):
- Minister Adam Kwiatkowski, Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
- Minister Jan Dziedziczak, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland
- Stanislaw Karczewski, Marshall of the Senate of the Republic of Poland
- Senators of the Republic of Poland Janina Sagatowska, Artur Warzocha, and Anna Maria Anders
- Malgorzata Wypych, member of the Polish Parliament
From Wspolnota Polska (organizing partner and sponsor):
- Longin Komolowski, President
- Dariusz Bonislawski, Vice President
- Marek Rozycki, Secretary General

The organizers of the 2016 Forum prepared an impressive, activity-packed agenda that in addition to meetings, presentations, and discussions also included visiting several places in the region to gain an up-close and personal view of this beautiful area. Lancut Castle in Lancut, Sanok, Lubaczow, Krosno, Przemysl, were just a few places that the group visited. Participants were able to sample the local atmosphere including its people, music, traditions, cuisine, cultural attractions, but above all – the famous Polish hospitality.

A special and reflection-provoking visit was paid to the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in Markowa. The museum commemorates not only the tragic story of the Ulma family – parents and 7 children including one unborn – who were murdered for harboring Jews during WWII. The story presented in the Museum goes beyond the story of one family and highlights the heroism of Polish people in the face of the horrors of war and who, despite the great risk to themselves and their loved ones, decided to help their Jewish compatriots.

The Polish American Congress has begun preliminary discussions with its leaders as to how to assist Poland in its desire to attract business and tourism. Another important element is assisting young people in the U.S., specifically Polish Americans, in learning about the many opportunities Poland has to offer. One possibility to be discussed at the next meeting of the PAC Council of National Directors to be held in Chicago in September is the developing of programs and initiatives to enable young people to travel and study in Poland.