Piątek, 10 stycznia, 2025   I   10:51:41 AM EST   I   Ady, Jana, Wilhelma

Izabela Bany i Kamil Pruchnik, młodzieżowi delegaci z Polski na sesji III Komitetu Zgromadzenia Ogólnego NZ

10 października, 2014

Polska po raz pierwszy reprezentowana była na sesji III Komitetu Zgromadzenia Ogólnego NZ przez Młodzieżowych Delegatów: Izabelę Bany i Kamila Pruchnika.

Dwoje Młodzieżowych Delegatów z Polski wzięło udział w obradach III Komitetu podczas 69 sesji ZO NZ. Mówili oni o roli młodzieży w zrównoważonym rozwoju, spotkali się także z SG NZ Ban Ki-moonem oraz innymi przedstawicielami młodzieży z różnych części świata.

Delegaci wyłonieni zostali w wyniku konkursu organizowanego przez Stowarzyszenie Narodów Zjednoczonych w Polsce i Departament Narodów Zjednoczonych i Praw Człowieka MSZ. Już pierwszego dnia obrad aktywnie zaangażowali się oni w prace Komitetu, zabierając głos w imieniu polskiej młodzieży w debacie generalnej w punkcie agendy dot. rozwoju społecznego. Pani Bany odniosła się do priorytetowej roli młodych ludzi w dyskusji nt. nowej agendy rozwojowej po 2015 roku i określaniu zrównoważonych celów rozwoju. Z kolei Pan Próchnik zwrócił uwagę na rolę kapitału społecznego w utrzymywaniu szybkiego tempa wzrostu gospodarczego oraz unikaniu pułapki średniego dochodu.

Dodatkowo, Młodzieżowi Delegaci wzięli także udział w spotkaniu z Sekretarzem Generalnym NZ, Ban Ki- moonem. Wysłuchali Jego przemowy dotyczącej najważniejszych problemów świata: terroryzmu, wirusa eboli oraz zmian klimatycznych. Sekretarz Generalny podkreślał szczególna rolę młodzieży w tworzeniu polityki NZ oraz ich rolę jako młodych liderów.

Pani I. Bany i Pan K. Pruchnik uczestniczyli także w spotkaniu z Młodzieżowymi Delegatami z innych krajów. Mieli okazję poznać przedstawicieli Młodzieżowego Programu NZ oraz pracowników Departamentu Zrównoważonego Rozwoju i Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy zajmujących się rolą młodzieży.

Tekst wystąpienia Pana Kamila Pruchnika:

Madam Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,

Developing economies as a whole have been growing faster than advanced economies since the 1970s. However, they made very little progress in terms of their incomes per capita. Of the countries that were middle-income in 1960, almost three-fourths remained middle-income or regressed to low-income by 2014.

The phenomenon of slowing down or stopping the process of convergence with the richest countries has been called “the middle income trap” by the World Bank.

Countries in the middle income trap have lost their competitive edge in the exportation of manufactured goods because their wages are on a rising trend. However, they are unable to keep up with economically more developed economies in the high-value-added market.

The only countries that made it to high-income are countries in Western Europe, Central Europe, Japan, the newly industrialized states, and two island economies in Latin America.

Recent studies suggest that what made their economies able to escape the middle income trap is high stock of "social capital", understood as a mix of: human capital, institutions and infrastructure. These three provide an environment, where ideas can be turned into inventions, which can be then commercialized and which can be then easily distributed and accessible for all.

Out of these three, the most important perhaps are institutions as we need them not only to regulate business activities but also to promote human rights, freedom and democracy as more and more evidence can be found to support the thesis that economic development and welfare in the long run depends on them. Furthermore, these institutions need to be built on good governance practices.

I would therefore encourage, while talking about poverty reduction, economic growth and public policies, to concentrate efforts on the development of social capital and especially on institutions.

Thank you for your attention.

Tekst wystąpienia Pani Izabeli Bany:

Madam Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,

It is an honour for me to address the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on behalf of Polish youth.

In the opening sentences of our Charter, we read that the United Nations was established to “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom” and “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person”. These words carry an exceptionally resonant message for us today. We think about them while celebrating the twenty fifth anniversary of the free elections in Poland, which sparked off a succession of peaceful democratic revolutions in Eastern Europe; we reflect on them while completing the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and defining the successor Sustainable Development Goals. The Charter helps us to understand that we cannot rest satisfied with past achievements; it motivates us to act to make transformation a reality, a defining feature in our lives.

Nearly a decade before the Polish revolution of 1989 Solidarity issued its twenty one demands calling for the improvement of the economic conditions of Polish citizens. The Solidarity movement recognized the need of political and economic reform in order to improve the standards of living and basic rights of ordinary Poles. In a peaceful manner, by means of negotiations, Solidarity was able to confront the Soviet mindset, set the foundations of democracy and start the transformation of Poland’s economic and social system. In the process it gained respect and support throughout the world. Drawing on that experience, Poland has valid reasons to claim that sustainable development cannot be accomplished without the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms for all, including youth.

Having organized themselves in free unions, Polish workers succeeded in bringing about free elections twenty five years ago. In doing this, they undermined the authority of the Communist Party and set the stage for systemic transformation. Thanks to their courage and perseverance they secured a better future not only for themselves, but for the coming generations of Polish people.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Modern youth is also seeking the right of representation even though within a different context. Let me emphasize that the younger generation does not want to be limited to an observer role. Waiting for the government to do something about the issues which affect us is not an option. Currently in many parts of the world, despite their competence and potential, many young people are finding themselves without jobs or means of livelihood. It is disturbing and deplorable that while making up 25 per cent of the global working-age population, the share of young people in total unemployment is as high as 44 per cent.

Recognizing this state of affairs, the younger generation considers itself a natural and necessary partner in the process of ensuring sustainable development. Bearing in mind the specific experience and history of Poland I would add: with due respect for human, labour and environmental rights.

When we compare the Millennium Development Goals with the 21 demands of the Polish Solidarity movement in the 1980s there are not that many differences. In the past Polish workers fought for improvements in their working conditions, the provision of better health services and measures for activating mothers. The discussion about the post-2015 agenda shows that these priorities are not obsolete, that they continue to play a crucial role in the agenda of development and in the lives of young people.

Madam Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,

The youth agenda requires plenty of work on our part. Three issues immediately come to my mind:

  • the inclusion of civil society and youth organizations in defining the goals for future global development,
  • reviewing and monitoring the World Programme of Action for Youth from the point of view of securing SDGs,
  • enhancing procedures and expanding recruitment of young professionals in international organizations.

These are questions of practical concern, and possibly, a test for effective multilateralism. Responding to them will show to what degree the UN is able to contribute to improving the situation of young people around the world.

Thank you for your attention.