Czwartek, 26 września, 2024   I   07:15:01 PM EST   I   Cypriana, Justyny, Łucji

McGolrick Park Safety Meeting in Greenpoint. Spotkanie dotyczące bezpieczeństwa w parku na Greenpoincie

12 sierpnia, 2014

Tuesday, August 12 at 7:00pm in EDT Raizes in Brooklyn, New York.

Do you feel the park is safe for everyone? The McGolrick Park Neighborhood Alliance is hosting a public community meeting with leaders of the 94th Police Precinct to discuss your important safety concerns. Join us to learn what is being done, and to voice your concerns and ideas.

Due to the rain forecast tonight\'s Park Safety meeting will be held at Raizes Restaurant, 139 Nassau Ave, corner of McGuinness, 7pm.

Hope everyone can make it and bring a friend!