Come and spend this day with our Polish and American friends and participate in games and fun we prepared for you.
The Ambassador of The Republic of Poland, Mr Ryszard Schnepf will be our honorary guest!
We will start the day with a mini performance by Martin Labazevitch, piano and Fanny Nemeth-Weiss, cello who will play for us a Chopin\'s famous Introduction and Polonaise Brillante, Op 3 for piano and cello.
Polish actor Waldemar Izdebski will perform a couple of Polish songs.
We will treat you to a delicious lunch prepared by The Polish Embassy\'s Chef featuring classic Polish dishes.
After lunch, we will invite you to participate in Trivia about Poland - with fun prizes for the winners!
For our young ones we will have a Scavenger Hunt - a discovery game about our collections at The Kosciuszko Foundation.
We will finish the day with a Fun with Karaoke - where you can shine in Polish or English. Prizes for all participants!
We will also host a journalist and author Katarzyna Klimasinskawith her newly published book Panna Huragan.
You will be able to see a private collection of Polish patriotic prints (posters, postcards, etc) owned by Waldemar Izdebski.
We will have original Polish amber necklaces as well as great books available for sale.
children and students
$15 per person for all others
(membership forms will be available)
Please support us!
Help us bring you programs and events you enjoy!
Become a member of
The Kosciuszko Foundation,
make a donation
or become an event sponsor!
Thank you!
For membership information please email
Barbara Bernhardt at
Summer internships available! Please contact us for more information.
A special thanks to Creative European Cooking and Kielbasa Factory for their contribution!
The Kosciuszko Foundation
Washington, DC Office
2025 O street NW
Washington, DC 20036
The Kosciuszko Foundation
Washington, DC Office
2025 O street NW
Washington, DC 20036
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