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Taks About Polish-American Defense and Security Cooperation

27 czerwca, 2014

Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf meets with Congressman Mike Rogers to discuss security matters

Polish-American defense and security cooperation was the topic of Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf’s meeting with Republican Congressman Mike Rogers, who Chairs the House Subcommittee on Strategic Forces within the Armed Forces Committee, which took place on June 26, 2014.

Ambassador Schnepf proposed deepening bilateral cooperation in the field of security and outlined the most important points of Poland’s position in regards to the upcoming NATO summit in Wales. The Ambassador expressed hope that Congress will pass the European Security Initiative, proposed by President Barack Obama during his visit to Warsaw. An important element of the talks was Poland’s contribution to NATO undertakings on behalf of strengthening the security of Europe.


Congressman Mike Rogers assured of Congress’s and his own support for initiatives that support deepening Polish-American Cooperation in the field of security.

Embassy of the Republic of Poland

in Washington D.C.