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The first edition of the Polish-American Scientific Award - call for nominations

02 grudnia, 2013

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) announce an opening call for nominations in the first edition of the Polish-American Scientific Award.

The award addresses outstanding scientific achievements in any field of science accomplished in American-Polish scientific cooperation and is granted jointly to two researchers on the basis of a competition. The Award amounts to $5000 for each of the researchers.

All active members of the Polish and American scientific community holding a doctoral degree, or working as a researcher or research administrator at a university or other R&D institution (including the industrial sector) are eligible to nominate candidates for the Award. Self-nominations shall be also considered.

Each nomination shall refer jointly to a team of research collaborators, one member working in Poland and one member working in the United States, regardless of their nationality.

Nominations should contain the following:

  • Acknowledgement of the joint scientific achievement made by collaborations between the two candidates in the sense of the award 
  • Curricula vitae of both scientists and a list of publications relevant to the joint achievement 
  • One letter of support for the nominees (in case of self-nominations - two)- the author of which should not be the nominator nor the nominees.

Nominations shall be submitted in English either in paper or electronic version by the closing date of 15th December, 2013 to one of the following addresses:

Linda Stroud, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 2005, USA, lstroud@aaas.org.

Kinga Slominska, Foundation for Polish Science, ul. Grazyny 11, 02-548 Warszawa, POLAND, kinga.slominska@fnp.org.pl

The contest is carried out by a joint committee of AAAS and FNP including external members. The award ceremony will take place in a ceremonial setting. AAAS and FNP will invite the laureates for a honorary lecture in their respective countries.

More on the award at the addresses here:


