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Former First Lady Danuta Walesa meets with the media & local Polish-American community in Chicago

25 listopada, 2013

Danuta Walesa is paying a visit to Chicago at the invitation of the Polish Film Festival in America


At the Polish Consulate, Mrs. Walesa talked with the media and representatives of the local Polish-American community about Andrzej Wajda’s latest movie “Walesa: Man of Hope” and about her book “Danuta Walesa: Dreams and Secrets”, written by Piotr Adamowicz, who is accompanying her during the Chicago visit.


While in Chicago, Danuta Walesa will collect the Wings Award on behalf of Andrzej Wajda whom the organizers of the 25th Polish Film Festival in America honored for his special contribution to the Polish cinematography abroad. The award was announced during the Opening Gala of the 25th Polish Film Festival in America on November 9, 2013 in Chicago.