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A conversation with Professor Tomasz Szapiro and Dr Pawel Pietrasienski, Washington DC

02 listopada, 2013

\"Let\'s Talk About Poland\" - Please join us Thursday, November 14th at 6.30 p.m. for a meeting with Professor Tomasz Szapiro

Professor Tomasz Szapiro, rector of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and former dean of the WSE Graduate School, and Dr Pawel Pietrasienski, Minister Counselor in the Trade & Investment Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.

Economic ties between the United States and Poland have become increasingly important. Many U.S. companies are now investing in Poland, and more and more Polish companies are entering the U.S. market. A new trade agreement between the European Union and the United States will only strengthen these ties. The growing economic relationship raises some interesting questions:

  • Does Poland\'s economic future lie more with its European neighbors or its transatlantic ally?
  • What role do universities and research institutes play in U.S.-Polish relations?
  • How does all of this economic and educational cooperation affect average citizens in the United States and Poland?

The meeting is part of a series of Kosciuszko Foundation conversations concerning political, economic, social and cultural issues in Poland today.

Free Event • Donations Welcome • Informal reception follows

The Kosciuszko Foundation
Washington, DC Office
2025 O street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 785-2320
Fax: (202) 785-2159
Email: bbernhardt@thekf.org