Piątek, 20 września, 2024   I   08:42:54 AM EST   I   Eustachego, Faustyny, Renaty

Man takes hostage in US office tower drama

21 września, 2012

An armed man claiming to have a bomb in a canvas bag took at least one person hostage Friday in an office building in the US city of Pittsburgh before surrendering to authorities, the FBI said.

The 22-year-old military veteran gave himself up without incident after holding a woman hostage at Three Gateway Center for roughly six hours starting at 8:00 am local time (1200 GMT), said FBI spokeswoman Kelly Kochamba.

The suspect, whose mother was called to the scene to help diffuse the situation, was arrested.

Kochamba could not confirm which weapon or weapons the man held during the incident.

Earlier, Pittsburgh Police Chief Nate Harper told reporters at the scene that a man with a criminal record was holding two people on the 16th floor of the high-rise building.

The suspect has a criminal record but is "not irrational," Harper said.

The hostage taker\'s Facebook page, on which he posted messages, indicates he was "obviously distressed," Kochamba said, adding that his motives were unclear and it had not been determined whether he had any connection to the business where the incident took place.