Piątek, 20 września, 2024   I   08:23:32 AM EST   I   Eustachego, Faustyny, Renaty

VP pick Ryan says he and Romney \'will restore\' America

11 sierpnia, 2012

US vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan said Saturday the Republican ticket would \"restore greatness\" to America, in his first remarks since being tapped as Mitt Romney\'s running mate.

"He and I share one commitment. We will restore the greatness of this country," Ryan told hundreds of Republican supporters in Norfolk, Virginia, describing Romney as the "man for this moment."

Ryan, 42, a budget hawk, was officially announced as Romney\'s number two earlier Saturday, confirming the Republican line-up earlier than had been anticipated, aiming to reverse President Barack Obama\'s lead in opinion polls.

"For the last 14 years, I have proudly represented Wisconsin in congress. There I have focused on solving the problems that confront our country, turning ideas into action and action into solutions," said Ryan.

"I am committed, in heart and mind, to putting that experience to work in a Romney administration."

A new Twitter account, @PaulRyanVP, popped up early Saturday, and shortly before he was to appear alongside Romney it unveiled its debut tweet: "I\'m honored to join @MittRomney on America\'s Comeback Team."