Piątek, 20 września, 2024   I   05:46:39 AM EST   I   Eustachego, Faustyny, Renaty

Mel Gibson \'hates Jews\' says dumped US screenwriter

12 kwietnia, 2012

Oscar-winning director Mel Gibson was embroiled in a fresh anti-Semitism row Thursday after he was accused of shelving a movie about a famous Jewish revolt because he \"hates Jews.\"

The allegations from Hollywood screenwriter Joe Eszterhas came after studio Warner Bros announced it was putting on hold "The Maccabees," which Gibson had been penciled in to direct, because the film "lacked a sense of triumph."

But Eszterhas, best known for writing the thrillers Jagged Edge and Basic Instinct, let rip at Gibson in a nine-page letter which accused the "Braveheart" star of pulling out because of alleged anti-Semitism.

"I\'ve come to the conclusion that the reason you won\'t make \'The Maccabees\' is the ugliest possible one. You hate Jews," Eszterhas wrote in the letter, which was reproduced on the movie and entertainment website The Wrap.

Gibson, whose reputation has plummeted since 2006 when he was caught on tape making an anti-Semitic rant at a US sheriff\'s deputy who had arrested him for drunk-driving, was also accused of taking on the project under false pretenses.

"I\'ve come to the conclusion that you never had, or have, any intention of making a film about the Maccabees," said Eszterhas.

"I believe you announced the project with great fanfare -- \'a Jewish Braveheart\' -- in an attempt to deflect continuing charges of anti-Semitism which have dogged you, charges which have crippled your career," he wrote.

During his July 2006 arrest, Gibson said that Jews were responsible for all the wars in the world, but later apologized for the "despicable" comments which he blamed on alcoholism.

In a statement issued after Eszterhas\'s letter went viral, Gibson denounced the allegations made against him as "utter fabrications," and said the project was dropped because the script was not good enough.

"I absolutely want to make this movie; it\'s just that neither Warner Brothers nor I want to make this movie based on your script," Gibson wrote in a letter posted on Deadline Hollywood, another movie industry website.

"Honestly, Joe, not only was the script delivered later than you promised, both Warner Brothers and I were extraordinarily disappointed with the draft.

"In 25 years of script development I have never seen a more substandard first draft or a more significant waste of time. The decision not to proceed with you was based on the quality of your script, not on any other factor."

"The Maccabees," was intended as a drama based on Judah Maccabee, widely revered as one of the greatest warriors in Jewish history alongside Joshua, Gideon and David.