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The second meeting of the Poland-China Strategic Dialogue

12 maja, 2014

Forging closer economic ties, the 65th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and China, and high-level visits by representatives of both countries have been covered during the talks MFA Undersecretary of State Artur Nowak-Far held in Beijing. On 10 May, the deputy minister took part in the second meeting of the Poland-China Strategic Dialogue. The Chinese delegation was headed by Weng Chao, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

As the deputy chief of Poland’s diplomacy noted, Poland attaches great importance  to the Strategic Partnership with China,which was established in 2011.This attitude has recently been manifested inphone consultations that the prime ministers and foreign ministers held on the Ukraine crisis. The Polish deputy minister also underscored that Poland has been consistently pursuing the one China policy. 

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Weng Chao pointed out that Poland is China’s biggest partner in Central and Eastern Europe, and one of the key partners in the framework of EU-China relations. He emphasized that the Chinese side will give priority to reducing the disproportion in trade balance with Poland. To that end, both sides will be supporting the export of Polish food, environmental cooperation will be expanded, and the Chinese machine-building industry will send a trade mission to Poland. The deputy chief of China’s diplomacy declared support for lifting the ban on Polish pork exports.

 The Polish delegation thanked for the assistance in organizing the 2nd Regional Forum, which is scheduled to take place in Guangzhou on 10 June. The event’s first edition, hosted by Gdansk in 2013, featured a meeting that brought together several hundred regional and city leaders, as well as businesspeople from both countries.

 The diplomats also called attention to the ever-closer contacts between Poles and the Chinese. A special opportunity to make these ties stronger is the 65th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and China, which will be accompanied by a number ofcultural events. High on the meeting’s agenda was also fixing the dates of high-level visits, including a meeting of the heads of government and a sitting of the 1st Intergovernmental Committee to be presided over by the Polish and Chinese foreign ministers.

 Strategic Dialogue is the principal instrument for coordinating the Poland-China Strategic Partnership, which was launched in 2011. Each year, the dialogue is taken forward at the level of foreign ministers or their deputies.

MFA Press Office