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Supreme Audit Office (NIK) from Poland appointed external auditor of the Council of Europe

12 grudnia, 2013

The Supreme Audit Office was appointed the external auditor of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. A decisive majority of the Council of Europe’s member states voted in favour of NIK’s candidacy, which ran against audit organisations from Greece, Germany, Norway and Italy.

As the external auditor of the Council of Europe, NIK will audit CoE’s financial statements for the next five years beginning in 2014. MFA’s involvement was instrumental in electing NIK as CoE’s external auditor. “Thanks to the high quality of our offer and MFA’s support, we succeeded in convincing the Council of Europe to elect NIK. We believe this shows the high position our office holds among European audit organisations,” said the President of NIK, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski.  

NIK will audit the CoE’s financial reports and accounts to see whether they present a true and fair view, and whether they comply with applicable regulations; it will also check internal audits and other aspects, e.g. financial procedures for their cost-effectiveness and efficiency.  

This is the first time the Supreme Audit Office was appointed to such role in the 22 years of Poland’s membership of the Council of Europe. It shows recognition for the Supreme Audit Office’s competencies and experiences and Poland’s strong position in the organisation.  

In 2012, NIK was also appointed external auditor of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). 


MFA Press Office