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Duda gratuluje Bidenowi zwycięstwa w wyborach prezydenckich

Kamil Brzozowski
15 grudnia, 2020

Dzisiaj w liście gratulacyjnym Prezydent Andrzej Duda zaprosił Prezydenta Elekta Joe Bidena do złożenia wizyty w Polsce.

Duda między innymi podkreślił również, że polsko-amerykańskie relacje stanowią filar bezpieczeństwa i stabilności europejskiej a także transatlantyckiej. Odwołał się do 2016 roku, kiedy to w czasie administracji Baracka Obamy i kiedy Joe Biden był wiceprezydentem, Amerykanie zwiększyli swoją obecność wojskową w Polsce, co wzmacniło wschodnią flankę NATO.

Prezydent Duda zaznaczył też, iż Polska i Stany Zjednoczone muszą stawiać razem czoła wyzwaniom grożącym równowadze bezpieczeństwa światowego oraz mającym źródło w „imperialnych resentymentach, nadużyciach władzy i łamaniu praw człowieka”.


Warsaw, December 15, 2020


Your Excellency,

Dear Mr. President-elect


Following the vote of the Electoral College, I would like to congratulate you on successfully concluding the election process to become the 46th President of the United States, and wish you a very successful term.

The relationship between the Republic of Poland and the United States is the shining beacon of what a true Strategic Partnership is, and what can be achieved while working together. We share ideals and values, the core of which are undoubtedly liberty, justice, democracy and the principal role of the international law. On these we have built strong foundations of our bilateral cooperation – in fact the strongest and more profitable to our countries than ever before in history. Within the framework of the Polish-American Strategic Dialogue we have extended our partnership in crucial areas, namely security, defense, economic cooperation and innovation. 

Poland, along with other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, has brought to life the Three Seas Initiative – a platform of cooperation in three important fields: infrastructure, energy and digital. The United States, due to its support and involvement in the Initiative, has not only risen to the status of its Strategic Partner, but also decided to provide a considerable amount of funding to the Three Seas Fund aimed at implementing energy projects across the region. What’s more, Poland has become a destination for American LNG, securing diversification of sources as well as its energy security, thereby becoming an energy hub for the entire region. My hope is that this fruitful cooperation will continue under your leadership.

Mr. President-elect, the Polish-American relations have become a pillar of ever-growing importance for the Transatlantic and European security and stability. We were – and still are – particularly pleased that during the 2016 NATO Summit in Warsaw, under the leadership of President Barack Obama and Yours – as the then Vice President – the United States decided to enhance its military presence and posture in Poland, simultaneously strengthening the Alliance’s Eastern flank and building resilience of NATO as a whole.

Furthermore, today we are in a dire need to address other challenges to the international security equilibrium rooted in imperial sentiments, as well as the abuse of power and human rights. We, as the international community, need to stand firmly and speak with one powerful voice for sovereignty, democratic rights, territorial integrity and freedom of nations. Let me assure you that Poland will continue lending its ardent support to the democratic changes in our eastern neighborhood. I hope that the United States will continue to work with us in this regard. 

I sincerely believe that our cooperation will also be paramount in terms of battling the coronavirus pandemic, with which the international community has been intensely fighting for almost a year now. The negative impact of COVID-19 on international public health, economic development and cooperation, as well as people-to-people contacts remain difficult to predict. Let’s work together to combat and minimize them.

Mr. President-elect, permit me once again to congratulate you on your victory, and wish you – on behalf of the Polish Nation – a fruitful term as the 46th President of the United States. I look forward to all the meetings and discussions we will have in future, both in the bilateral format as well as wider international fora. In that regard, allow me to extend a warm invitation for you to visit Poland. 


Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                                        Andrzej Duda

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