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Minister Radosław Sikorski meets young leaders of Polish diaspora organizations from around the world

23 listopada, 2013

“In Europe, we are seen as a dynamic country. You are our first asset,” Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said yesterday at a meeting with participants of the Alumni Conference of the School for Polish Diaspora Leaders, which was hosted by the Polish Senate.

“The government policy on the Polish diaspora tries to put taxpayers’ money to ever better use,” the chief of Poland’s diplomacy said during the meeting. He recalled that the MFA has launched another edition of “Cooperation with Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad,” a call for proposals that will receive a grant of approx. 60 million zloty.

Besides the government policy on the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad , the conference agenda also included the POLAND brand. As Poland’s top diplomat pointed out, we live at a time of technological revolution. “This means that it’s easier to stay in touch with Poland, but also that modern tools can help us enhance the POLAND brand,” emphasized the minister. He also noted that there is more to the new way Poland is promoted than just modern communication tools. What we need is also a new narrative about Poland. “We believe that the history of our country should be a positive inspiration for foreigners,” said the minister. “We want them to know that Poland owes its present-day success to national characteristics of its people, who are hard working, intelligent, talented and creative. And that it is worthwhile taking an interest in and cooperating with this country.” Minister Radosław Sikorski underscored that the Poland brand is now worth 472 billion dollars. “It ranks 20th among the most valuable national brands, ahead of Germany, Singapore and Norway. A year ago, it was worth just 271 billion dollars,” he underlined.

The conference brings together the most active young leaders of Polish diaspora organizations from around the world. The School gives them the opportunity to gain new knowledge and improve their leadership skills. Prior to the meeting, the participants together with a group of experts and parliamentarians attended lectures which explained what electoral rights Polish nationals abroad have and how to take part in elections organized by Poland’s diplomatic and consular posts. The event also featured discussion panels which focused on how Poles use their electoral rights and the ways in which the Polish diaspora becomes involved in Polish politics. In addition, there was a presentation devoted to the “Vote! You are at home” programme which has been initiated by the School for Leaders. One of its aims is to encourage people to vote in next year’s elections to the European Parliament.

The School for Leaders has been organizing leadership trainings since 1994. In 2009, the association launched a programme addressed to the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad. It is funded under the MFA call for proposals for non-governmental organizations. This year, the Minister of Foreign Affairs assumed honorary patronage over the School for Polish Diaspora Leaders scheme.


MFA Press Office