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The 3rd McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM 2017)

February 19, 2017

Invitation for medical doctors worldwide to come to Kraków

The 3rd edition of the McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM 2017) will take place on 11-13 May 2017 in Kraków, Poland. The event is organized under auspices of the Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM) and the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM).

Over 30 outstanding experts from North America and Europe will present up-to-date and reliable knowledge aligned with clinical practice guidelines. The previous edition attracted participants from over 30 countries. The participants will receive CME points, which are accepted in Europe and North America. 

MIRCIM is officially endorsed by Stanisław Karczewski, Marshal of the Senate; Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education; Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Konstanty Radziwiłł, Minister of Health. 

Information about the course, including the programme, can be found at www.mircim.eu, along with lectures and promotional videos from previous editions. 

In addition to being a valuable educational opportunity, MIRCIM will provide a wonderful chance to visit Poland.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Piotr Gajewski, MD PhD FACP

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York
233 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
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e-mail: nowyjork.kg.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl

Okręg konsularny Konsulatu Generalnego RP w Nowym Jorku obejmuje Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nowy Jork, Ohio, Pensylwanię, Rhode Island, Vermont.