Various locations, NYC. Friday, October 4, 2013 - Sunday, October 20, 2013.
Early Music Foundation and the Polish Cultural Institute New York present the New York Early Music Celebration "Pro Musica Polonica," taking place city-wide October 4-20, 2013. An EMF Service-to-the-Field project, the Celebration showcases New York\'s historically informed performance artists, ensembles and presenters. Open to the entire New York historical performance community, Celebration 2013 will feature Polish early music artists as guest performers. The festival will span more than twenty events, presented by the Morgan Library & Museum, Music Before 1800, Carnegie Hall, Church of the Epiphany, Miller Theatre at Columbia University, and others.
Early Music Celebration will include performances of medieval repertoire by Amy Bartram and Ensemble Peregrina*. The Renaissance period will be represented with performances by Galileo\'s Daughters, Polyhymnia (both groups will feature Polish repertoire), and the Renaissance Street Singers. 17th-century Baroque works will fill the programs by Phoenixtail (with Polish repertoire), Le Poème Harmonique, Duo Marchand, and Carolyn Sampson. Arte dei Suonatori*, Brooklyn Baroque, Il Giardino d\'Amore*, as well as the Bach-centric Holy Trinity Lutheran "Bach Vespers," and "Bach at One" by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra will feature Baroque music of the 18th Century. The classical period will be represented by Early Music New York - Frederick Renz, Director (featuring Polish orchestra repertoire). Melodeon will present a concert of pre-Civil War American music.The City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center will present a seminar and master class entitled "Bach & the Polish Style," with Raymond Erickson and Szymon Paczkowski*. Performances by Magdalena Baczewska* (Polish Renaissance and Baroque music for the harpsichord) and the Janusz Prusinowski Trio* will complement the Celebration activities.
Early Music Foundation (EMF), named "a revered institution" by The New York Times, was founded by Frederick Renz and other members of the New York Pro Musica Antiqua, and has been in-Residence at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine since its inception in 1974. EMF\'s mission is to foster public understanding and appreciation of western culture through historically-informed performances of music and music drama from the 11th through 18th Centuries. EMF consists of the primary performing enterprise, Early Music New York, led by Frederick Renz, and a recording label, Ex cathedra Records.
Friday - October 4
7:15 PM
Janusz Prusinowski Trio*
Wild Music From The Heart Of Poland
DROM (Manhattan)
$15 in advance, $20 at the door
8:00 PM
Brooklyn Baroque
Johann Ludwig Krebs @ 300
$20 at the door
Saturday - October 5
7:30 PM
Music Of The Polish Court
Suggested donation $20
Sunday - October 6
2:00 PM
Renaissance Street Singers
Polyphonic Sacred Music A Cappella
Absolutely free. Contributions NOT accepted.
4:00 PM
Ensemble Peregrina*
Sacer Nidus, The Holy Nest: Polish Medieval Music
All seats are assigned, $45. $10 student tickets at the door. Subscriptions and group discounts available.
Tuesday - October 8
10:00 AM
Bach, Poland And The Polish Style In His Music*
Seminar & Master Class with Raymond Erickson And Szymon Paczkowski
Admission Free
To perform in the Master Class, email
To perform in the Master Class, email
12:30 PM
Amy Bartram & Christopher Preston Thompson
Songs Of Gace Brulé
Suggested donation: $5 at the door
7:30 PM
Arte Dei Suonatori*
G.Ph.Telemann\'s Polish Music, with Bolette Roed, recorder soloist
Tickets: $35; $25 for Members
Thursday - October 10
1:15 PM
Music Before The American Civil War
Free, with $10 suggested donation
7:30 PM
Carolyn Sampson, soprano
All-Purcell Program
Saturday - October 12
7:30 PM
Early Music New York - Frederick Renz, Director
POLONAISE! The Golden Age
Reserved seating $40, students $20 at the door, subscription and group discounts available.
8:00 PM
Music From Renaissance Poland
$25 general admission, $15 seniors and students
Sunday - October 13
3:00 PM
Il Giardino D\'Amore*
Polonia Nell\'europa Antica. Songs Of Love, Sacred & Secular
The Church Of The Epiphany (Manhattan)
Admission Free
5:00 PM
Magdalena Baczewska
Early Keyboard Music Of Poland
Tickets $20; $15 KF members & students
Monday - October 14
1:00 PM
Trinity Wall Street: Bach At One
Free and open to all.
7:30 PM
Rebel Ensemble For Baroque Music
with Matthias Maute, recorder & flute
with Matthias Maute, recorder & flute
Rediscoveries: Rare Concerti & Sonatas By Bach\'s Contemporaries
Tickets $35 adult; $30 seniors; $15 students (25 and under, with ID; at the door only)
Thursday - October 17
1:15 PM
Duo Marchand
Two Daughters Of This Aged Stream: Purcell\'s Sopranos
Free, with $10 suggested donation
Friday - October 18
8:00 PM
Galileo\'s Daughters
The Consilient Realm Of Copernicus: Revolutionary Ideas And The Music Of His Time
The Church of Notre Dame (Manhattan)
$20 at the door; $15 seniors, students And EMA Members
Saturday - October 19
8:00 PM
Le Poème Harmonique
Tickets: general admission $45, senior $3, Columbia faculty and staff $27; students/under 25 $27; Columbia students $7
Sunday - October 20
2:00 PM
Renaissance Street Singers
Polyphonic Sacred Music A Cappella
Absolutely free. Contributions NOT accepted.
5:00 PM
Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity
Motets Of The Bach Family
Free-will offering
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